Update on my pre-op progress
I've been lurking lately, not making online support a priority. I have been making progress in my "remodel project".
I completed my supervised eating and exercise program in March, but did not get to see my surgeon until yesterday, May 19th. In that time I stayed within 2 lbs of my prior total. I also need to meet with the bariatric endocrinologist, but that's not until mid-July.
I've been seeing a counselor for about 6 weeks, specific to weight and eating issues. I'm slowly making positive changes and getting to some of the sources of my incorrect beliefs about myself. She said that she sees post-surgical patients, but I was the 1st to be proactive and get a head start. I sure hope that my insurance continues to pay for her!
I'm recovering today after my nightmare 1st surgeon meeting. No, I wasn't upset so much about seeing Dr. Patterson - more about the day's logistics.
There was a SNAFU on mailing me the pre-appointment paperwork. They arrived in the mail at noon and my appointment was an hour away at 2:45. Eeek!
So I got on the road later than I wanted to. I like to be at least 1/2 hour early for appointments up in Portland due to the drive. I'd taken my Lasix at 9 am, so it should have been out of my system, but 1/2 up, I felt I should stop at the rest stop - medium urge. But the traffic was so heavy that I didn't see the 1st sign due to the number of trucks in the right lane. By the time I saw sign 2, I couldn't get over to the exit lane. OK, I should be able to make it. I get there, park, then head for the nearest potty. There was a line! Ack! I had an accident. I was mortified. At least I was standing up at the time and my pee pad got most of it, but the undies were also damp. And I'm almost late!
By the time I get to the office, I'm a blubbering mess (I am a stress crier). Nightmare.
But things changed. A sweet lady in the waiting room came over and hugged me. She was 3 weeks post-op. Then I saw a flash of a doggy in the hall behind the receptionist. Yes, my doc has a therapy dog in the office. A small sweet mini dox, long haired - goes by "Biscuit". She helped me so much.
Dr. P. agrees that the sleeve is best for me. I really liked her and am very glad about my choice.
I finished at 4 pm. I had planned to see friends for dinner up in the big city, but I just wanted to go home. I "gave myself permission" to cancel and we will try again on another trip.
Came home and fell asleep in the recliner, emotionally exhausted.
It's HARD, but I'm doing it!
Thank you for the encouragement. I have to admit that the cost of a missed appointment (since my insurance wouldn't cover it) was one motivation NOT to bail yesterday. Plus how long I might have to wait to reschedule.
I have skipped the Lasix at times when I travel, but I wanted to get rid of the daily water weight. The indignities of being SMO.
on 5/20/15 9:15 pm
I'm glad you're well on your way, and I certainly hope your future visits to Portland go more smoothly! I had my surgery through the Legacy Weight and Diabetes Institute (the clinic just down the hall from the OWLS office -- you might do your pre-op classes there if your insurance requires any), and I can only speak highly of Legacy and the clinic. I'm a stress cryer too and have cried multiple times in that office over the past 7 months. You're certainly not alone!
FurKid - I did my supervised eating and exercise at the Legacy office, so I've made this drive several times. I hit lunch rush hour coming in and then got the homeward commute after. Argh.
I think I was also nervous but did not want to admit it. Future visits will be better planned on my part! I really get stressed when I'm running late.
Thanks for your reply.
I'm glad you pushed thru such a stressful time & didn't give up. Hope your next appointment goes more smoothly. You're doing it! Good for you!

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel