Anyone w/ BMI over 50 try p90x, Insanity, or T25?
I need to get more physical and I'd like to try one of the three programs: p90x, Insanity, or T25, but worry that with a BMI at 50, the workout would be too hard. Please don't tell me to start slow, I understand that's an option, I would just like to chose from one of these three programs, but didn't know if it was even possible for a BMI over 50 person to actually complete the program. Please let me know if you've ever tried it. Thanks.
Your post confuses me a little. You're concerned that the programs will be too hard, but at the same time you don't want to start off slow.
Assessing your physical wellness on your bmi alone isn't going to have an accurate result. You kind of have to judge your physical capabilities yourself. If you think you can do one of these programs the by all means, go and try it. If you're unsure, go and try it. You need to accept though that you're not built the same way as the people in the training videos and you'll probably be twice the size as a lot of people at the gym. And because of this, you probably won't be able to keep up at the same pace. But you can't let that discourage you. Pretend you're like Dory the fish and just keep swimming... or moving.. something like that.
Worst case scenario your body is in pain and you need to stop the program. There's no shame in starting off slow and building endurance before doing more intense training again. You're working towards a goal and thats all that matters, so don't look at going slow as such a bad thing.
I personally think it would be too hard on your knees at this higher of BMI. I started going to a Lifestyle Center at our local hospital. It has everything a gym has and trainers on the floor at all times. My knees are already bad so I use the pool a lot. You might want to rethink your options before you blow out a knee or your back.
A dear friend of mine is a BeachBody rep, and so I have seen all of these products in use. Of the three if there was one I would think even a possibility it would be T25. P90x and Insanity are both far to extreme. Unless your in much better shape than most people with a bmi of 50 you wouldn't be able to finish any of them but I think you would last longer with the T25 than the other two.
P90X for example the first workout your supposed to do is basically reps of different types of 25 push ups each alternating with 25 varying types of pull ups for an hour straight. I dont know about you but my push up limit is less than 5 and I cant do a pull up at all.
I'm sorry I dont mean to be rude and the last thing I want to do is discourage anyone but these are seriously extreme workouts. And I would hate for someone to spend that much money on something they cant use. But in short my vote would be for T25 if your dead set on purchasing one of these systems.
Thank you, everyone for your replies. I don't work out, but I've worked on a farm for years, so even though my BMI is 50, I'm relatively physically active. I climb, carry, and run all over the farm and I have never had knee problems. I've just never tried a typical 'work out' program and wanted one that I thought offered things these programs seem to offer. I'll opt for the T25 or I'll start with a personal trainer. If I do the T25, I will report back on how it went. Thank you, all, again.
I was told any type of resistance or movement for 30 minutes daily will work. If your use to physical activity as long as it has some type of resistance to increase muscle tone will work. Try the T25 you may not be able to keep the pace, but as long as your doing it and keeping moving you should be ok. I also had a very high BMI 69 to be exact. I do water aerobics 2x weekly and just walk the other days. The aerobics instructor says just keep moving and use the water as resistance and you'll be good.
Go for it you have nothing to lose, but weight!!
