Tammy V, I'm so excited for you! So much of what you said went for me as well and I'm sure many, many of us. I even got a charge out of buying my Blender Bottles. :)
Be prepared that the first three days are usually the worst in the preop diet. After that point the body seems to be getting more used to the idea. Just remember why you are doing the preop diet, and hang on tight! This is when you reach down deep inside and find that fighter in you and put her to good use as you prep.
When I read your post I said to myself, ah, the best is yet to be for Tammy V!
Oh, I totally get that. :) Enjoy!
I agree completely about the people we find here. I would say that 99% are kind, helpful, and will kick our butts when we need it.
the good news is that the liquid diet gets easier
the bad news is that that hanging belly will probably hang lower when the fat melts away, depending on how old you are , how long you have been very over weight , genetics, how much sun you get determines how much the skin goes back where it belongs
most of those after pictures of heavy weights are after plastic surgery,but you can wear spanks to hold everything in place and hide most of it
good luck with your surgery it was the best thing I ever did , well almost
I keeeeed, I keeeed. I have some skin issues, but I wear compression undergarments whenever dressing up. Looks far better that busting out of the seams.
The real reason I had the surgery was for my health and that is remarkably improved and looking better.
Good morning Tammy! Congrats on your upcoming surgery.
It's so normal to be scared. I didn't have any fear in regards to dying on the table, a leak, etc. because I trusted my surgeon... BUT, I was afraid of the unknown amount of pain I would be in afterwards. I got lucky and the pain really wasn't much, so I'm hoping that you have the same experience. Time really does fly after surgery... sometimes it seemed like yesterday that it was getting close to summer starting and I was having surgery. Here we are.... Labor Day and I've been sleeve for almost 4 months.
I would do this surgery over and over again if I had to. My quality of life has gotten so much better after losing 180 lbs... even though I still have 90-100 to go. It's so nice to know that I have reduced my chances of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc. It's also nice to fit into smaller clothing, not worry about fitting in a booth when I took my Dad out for a birthday dinner last night, and no longer worrying about people staring at you because you're SO large. Now... I have a long way to go, but I've come so far and I feel less self conscious. What an enormous mental weight that is lifted!
I'm sure you will do great! The pre-op liquid diet can be tough... but stay strong. You have a lot of support here from people that understand exactly what you're going through!!
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