8 months out and I am not losing anymore.

on 8/7/13 8:56 am, edited 8/7/13 9:20 am - savannah, GA
RNY on 12/04/12

Ive lost 6-10 lbs a month in the last 2 months. The scale has stopped moving. I am 8 months out. Down 141lbs since oct. 2012 and 120 of that is post surgery. So Thats great to lose 140lbs but I am still 260lbs! So I guess some of that is allowing some bad stuff back into my diet, but I guess I didnt realise how hard it would be to eat so few carbs. I just really dont like cooking and I eat out too much. I always try to eat the best I can out, but i do admit to letting some bad things back into my diet. I need some kind of reset for my body. Any ideas? Is my body done losing or it it just a stall? I feel like my weightloss has been more stall times than losing times. 

-Anna  HW: 401 | SW: 377 (12/04/12) Blog: http://notfattabulous.blogspot.com










on 8/7/13 3:19 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Ok, im new to this being sleeved thing, but im not new to sustainable weight loss - i lost 100 lbs before surgery - so here's my take on this.

Really, the thing that jumps out is the eating out. I don't think carbs are inherently evil or that the lack of them is some magic potion, no matter how often Dr Cirangle's devotees say they are. I was losing weight steadily pre-surgery on 200+g carbs daily.

But eating out? That's always dangerous. You have no control over what they do in the kitchens. About the only places you can rely on published calorie counts are formulaic fast food places, and their stuff is essentially engineered to make you over eat.

Don't like cooking every night? Fine - do it once a week and invest in good storage containers. Make a meal plan & stick to it. I go through the flyers, figure out what's on sale, look at my schedule for the week and plan. I keep 'safe' stuff on hand too (home & office) for those days when I get a last minute invite or forget my lunch bag. I do still go out, but I plan carefully for it, and don't do it often.

Are you recording? That's my other favourite motivator - keeps me right on track. Every so often I recalibrate & go back to measuring so that portion creep doesn't happen.

You've got the tools to make this work - invest the time in yourself!
on 8/7/13 3:53 pm - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

you answered your own question , you are losing slower because you are not following your plan , the more you lose the slower you will lose ,unless you exercise more or eat less, the smaller you are the less cal it takes to run your body , talk to your nut and work out a new plan that you can live with

10 lb a month is 120 lb a year, your in this for the long run , the sleeve does not stop working as long as you follow your plan



   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 8/8/13 1:31 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

i didn't notice you had rny but it still should work fine


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 8/7/13 9:23 pm
VSG on 11/21/12 with

I know much more about sleeves than I do about pouches, but even so I'll try to add some things for you to think about.

Did you stop weighing, measuring, and logging your food and fluids?

Are you planning your food for the day?

Are you getting your fluids in as per your plan?

At a little over eight months out I am still losing well.  I eat mostly egg whites, turkey sausage links, turkey pepperoni, chicken breast strips, reduced-fat cheeses, leafy green vegs, occasional protein drinks as a meal replacement when I need to.  It's very redundant, but I know it by heart, and it's high lean dense protein and low carb.  These are also very easy foods to prepare.  Canned chicken or tuna can be another helpful choice if your pouch tolerates it.   Same with very low fat deli turkey or ham.

If you're not logging your food, if you're eating "bad stuff" again, most likely it's not a stall. If you're eating out a lot, it would appear that your pouch has a good tolerance for different foods, so try to steer yourself back in the direction of better choices.

My best advice would be to pull out the plan your surgeon gave you, get back to your basics, and take good care of yourself by following your plan.  You need to keep a full head of steam in the engine if you want the train to keep moving!  You need to make this choice to keep going on the good work your surgeon did.  You can do it!


5'8"    HRW 357 on 7/09/12    SW 339   >196 8/26/13 (surgeon's goal)   TWL  193     CW   164 

*:•-:¦:-•:*1st pers. goal 178 on 10/16/13; ultimate goal 164 on 12/13/13*:•-:¦:-•:* 

on 8/8/13 6:51 am
VSG on 06/11/13

I'm glad to see your doing so well.  120 lbs. in 8 months is great.  Your window of weight loss opportunity is still open....you just have to use it.  With the Rny you should still have some malabsorption going on.  I don't cook any food for myself either.  I live on vacuum packed tuna, salmon, chicken, and dairy....yogurt, cottage cheese, and Laughing Cow cheese.  I supplement with protein drinks (I'm addicted to GNC's Total Lean chocolate shakes, gotta have one everyday.) Anyway, its easy to do without cooking.  I don't do these but Pepperoni's or Beef Jerky.  When I'm really hungry I get a small chilli from Wendy's.  There you go....no cooking.  Hope you get back on track and reach your goal.


    Cons. Wt. 394       Surg. Wt. 386        Curr. Wt.  311

on 8/8/13 9:50 am

Why question if your body has stopped losing?  You've been honest about "letting some bad things back into" your diet. You probably already correctly diagnosed the issue as your diet.  The good news is that you have a say in that. That gives you power. It is not something being done to you.

 If you need therapy, get it. It may help you sort through some things like why you are eating certain things and hate cooking so much even if it will help you reach your goals.


You are not a failure. You probably just need to work towards wanting it again.  In the meantime, do your best not to gain.

You are still restricted. The surgery really happened.  You can turn it around. 

What changes are you willing to make for the rest of your life?  -because maintenance will take a commitment too. These are issues that all of us will have to face.

Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
Laura in Texas
on 8/8/13 11:55 pm

Track your food. Every bite. Weigh or measure everything so you realize what a serving actually looks like. Be honest with yourself about what you are eating and how much. No, you are not done losing. Are you taking your measurements? Usually we are still losing inches even when our body is holding on to the weight. Hang in there. You can do this!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 8/9/13 8:26 am - savannah, GA
RNY on 12/04/12

My portions are still very under control. I think I just find myself eating a slice of pizza too often or where if i grabbed a burger out I would throw out the bun and now i have a few bites of bread. No I dont do any sugar. I know i dump on sugar alchohals so I just tell myself the same goes with sugar. I never drink with food...ever. If I eat out I get the most protein rich food I can find but I do have a bite or two of sides that i shouldnt be eating (macncheese, stuffing etc.) But not all the time. I do mostly stick to plan. Im doing a lot of walking (at least three miles, sometimes 5) everyday. I do think I need to start using myfitness pal again and see exactly what Im taking in. 

-Anna  HW: 401 | SW: 377 (12/04/12) Blog: http://notfattabulous.blogspot.com










on 8/10/13 5:47 am

Absolutely start tracking.

Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
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