on 5/12/13 11:10 am - HI
RNY on 01/15/13

first of all, Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing and hot mama's out there! a day strictly based to appreciate being a mom, having a mom, having a child...

things I am not and a child I dont have. :/

sorry, I'm having a pity party. a day that should be amazing time spent with my mom, instead I wanna stay in bed.

I see so many women who have waaaaaaaay more than enough children.... like 8 kids at 24 and pregnant again kind of thing. like it is their life mission to have 50 kids at 50 years old. and I wasn't joking about 8 kids at 24. my friend is pregnant with her 9th child.

then I see women who have only 1 kid but neglect that kid... seriously? who said you should be a mother when you would rather be on crack?

then I see women who don't have the child they are pregnant with and choose to abort it.. total heartbreak when people like me who only get to dream of having a child. I knew I was born to be a mom. and most days I can hide my depression pretty well.. but today... when there's a holiday created for mothers... all I want to do is tell my mom I love her and die. grief of not being a mom is to hard to handle today. and to make it worse, this childless depression put me in a weight rut. I'm stuck at 290 since last week leading up to mother's day and I just can't get out of it. once today passes I'm sure I'll get back on track and be able to hide my emotions again, but for today, I'm drowning.


on 5/12/13 12:03 pm - NC

I'm sorry that your so down ,   I just always get down too. My cousin is like my sister and she wants to be a mom and I feel she deserves to be a mom, but she hasn't had a child and we don't know if she can. I love her so much and I know its very very hard for her as well yet I never know what to say  I just pray for her all the time. I really hope you get to feeling a lot better. I hope that this message doesn't urk you. I wanted to express some feelings as well. 

~*Bella Baby*~

on 5/13/13 3:57 am - HI
RNY on 01/15/13
You didn't irk me at all. It's nice to know people know how I feel on here. hope your cousin gets her chance soon too!


on 5/12/13 12:06 pm - NC
Oxford Comma Hag
on 5/12/13 1:59 pm
(((hugs))) hon, forgive me for getting personal. Are you able to have children and haven't found the partner you are looking for or are you dealing with infertility? Both are tough situations.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 5/13/13 12:49 am - NC

I have kids, I'm just very close to her and I get a little down for her.

~*Bella Baby*~

Oxford Comma Hag
on 5/13/13 2:51 am
I was asking that question of Rayah. I can understand empathizing with a friend.t

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 5/13/13 4:03 am - HI
RNY on 01/15/13
It's not personal at all! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 but was told if I remove it, I would be able to have kids. Removed it, no luck. I knew my weight had alot to do with it too so I had surgery this past January to help with that so I have to wait the 18 months to try. I'm 25 and my husband and I have been trying since 19. I always knew I was supposed to be a mom. I was young when we started trying but I knew I was ready. I'm still ready. It's just alittle bit more of a struggle getting by when EVERYONE around me is holding a baby, or about to have a baby or talking about it knowing they will have one alot sooner than I will. Just disheartening. Everyone keeps telling me don't do the surgery for any other reason than to just get healthy. I nod but I did it for more than just that. I don't want to have to tell my husband that I can't do the one thing Women can, Have a child.


Oxford Comma Hag
on 5/13/13 5:23 am

Aw, I'm sorry. I do think people are offbase in telling you you shouldn't have had surgery to improve your PCOS. Fertility and health are linked, and having a child is cleary important to you. I hear you that it is hard when you want a child and it seems like everyone in the world has one but you. I will swing a chicken for you than when your 18 months are up, you and your husband will be blessed with as many healthy children as you want.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 5/13/13 1:45 pm - HI
RNY on 01/15/13

Thank you RosyKate!

but could you do me a huge favor and swing 100 chickens? lol!



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