Hello out to you all!!

on 4/25/13 11:29 pm - Renton, WA
Just thought that I would actually post in here and take the time to say I am still around here. Lurking mainly. I attend some local support groups and so I keep accountable to my WLS community and myself. So many things going on all the time and busy. I love it though. I had my hernia repair and the cut muscles in my sides to pull over and fix the problem the end of 2012. Then end of 2/2013 i had foot surgery to fix crushed toes that I damaged while in my powerchair. Needless to say, I have not been able to ride my bike yet (wich is killing me mentally, lol). I came down with terriable migraines in wich now just found out CT shows fluid along my brain. With all that is going on I am so HAPPY! 2 1/2 years ago, the necessary tests and treatments would not have ever been possible. I will always and forever be so greatfull to have gotten to have the WLS and all that have learned since "tools" happen to me. No regrets. Life... money, love, health (include weight in health to) will ALWAYS HAVE UPS AND DOWNS. Either way you go, you have to go one way to go the other way. It is all apart of life. I have learned that your awareness and determination and actions are what is going to keep things going.
Positive is all I can be. God grants me second by second and I will and am going to make the best of it for me and those around me.
Each day I strive for the betterment of myself and others. I think that is what most people living do. They try to do things to make things better in the best of the situations they face. Sometimes in the down times it is not as easy to do. So finding coping and managing tools is so vital. I love knowing that I can come here and lurk and sometimes post. Maybe make a comment.

I leave you with just one thought, it was said to me every day while in High School some nearly 24 yrs ago by the Principal at morning hour and it as stuck:

Make it a great!


on 4/26/13 4:23 am - hi hat , KY
VSG on 11/30/12

As I have said many times you are a super hero!!! looking at what you have done with your life I know i can do this!!!. may GOD continue to Bless you and I will be praying for your health !!.. thank you so much for every post you have ever posted I AM SO PROUD OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT !! I know you have to be GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS!!


on 4/26/13 4:41 am - FL
VSG on 01/09/13

Thank you for saying hello and sharing your WLS and general life wisdom! :-) Most of us on this forum can totally identify with how you feel about the testing and medical issues.  Just thinking about how it would have been before... wondering if we will fit in the machines, if the scale will be able to weigh us, if the blood pressure cuff will fit us.  People who haven't gotten as large as we have been just don't truly understand the small blessings that we see when we really start to lose weight.  I fit better in the car now, the seatbelts arent cutting off my airways, I can fit into most outdoor seating now.  These things people who have never been over a 50 BMI may not get.  Yes, it will take us longer to reach our goals and we have more scars and skin to show for it... but, damn, I think we just appreciate the hell out of it. We truly get it.

I have a doctor's appointment with my primary care next month and I haven't been to him since surgery.  I think my last weight with him was 356... I hope to be in the 270s by then. :-) It will feel great not have to use the 350 or the 300 slider on that stupid old scale he has!

Have a great day and I hope you recover super quick!

KittyKarin :-) Starting weight: 362 / Surgery weight: 353 / Current weight: 190 (03/27/2017)

Oxford Comma Hag
on 4/26/13 5:28 am
Hey there! Glad to see you. As you say, life has its ups and downs. Here's to more ups!

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 4/26/13 1:21 pm - MA

Glad to see you're still around :)

Here's to making it great!


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