Pre-op 6 month diet -HUNGRY!
I have the same problem, and it is head hunger for me. I must give myself a treat at night or my great all day diet blows to smithereens. I like something sweet, so i make sure I have something that will satisfy that urge which is low cal. It is a mind game I play with myself. I love grapefruit, so I peel a grapefruit and have that. Sometimes I need 2. It takes some time to peel the grapefruit and take all the outer white bitter stuff off the fruit to eat it. By the time I do all that and eat it I am satisfied. It is 100% mental. I also chew SF gum sometimes if the I am out and about and the carb monster rears its ugly head......just be prepared. If Being prepared is the number one thing to do to stay in this game.
Good luck on your journey!