LOA from my scale!

on 3/6/13 12:27 am, edited 3/6/13 12:31 am - DE
RNY on 11/05/12

I am going crazy! Nearly a month and only .9 of a lb lost. I am taking a leave of absence from my scale. I go for my 4 month (although by then it will be nearly 5 months) post-op on March 18th and I am hoping to make it until that day without weighing myself at home! I am going crazy stepping on the scale every morning to see that my weight hasn't changed. So, I am going to try and give myself a mental health break and relax on the scale for a couple of weeks!


However, on a happier note: My BMI is now under 50! 49.6!

on 3/6/13 9:32 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12


Maybe taking a vaca from the scale would be a good idea. Are you working out? Have you taken your measurements?

The stall can be difficult to deal with. I am the queen of stalls and I feel your pain.

Stay in the game, it will eventually start to melt away.







on 3/7/13 2:03 am - DE
RNY on 11/05/12
On March 7, 2013 at 5:32 AM Pacific Time, Phatchick wrote:


Maybe taking a vaca from the scale would be a good idea. Are you working out? Have you taken your measurements?

The stall can be difficult to deal with. I am the queen of stalls and I feel your pain.

Stay in the game, it will eventually start to melt away.




I admit I haven't been as good with actual time out to exercise. I hate to admit this but I am so self conscious at the gym. i mean, always looking around to make sure no one is looking at me kind of deal. So I do good about doing it, then I stop, then I do good, then I stop.  I have been adding to my walks on campus. I am parking farther away, getting up and down for more little things instead of doing it all at once, making sure I am taking stairs and never the elevator-and I CAN feel the difference in my thigh muscles :-). So it is adding up in that way. But, no, actual formal exercise, not so much. However, it is something that in the past few days I have been working on. And today when I get home from school, I have a date with my treadmill. I know I can't expect my tool to work if I don't fully work it so here's to it.

I have noticed that the jeans-26 I got into a few weeks ago are a little loose so I am going to the store this weekend to try on a 24. Also, I have some 22's in the closet and I can get them on and zipped up, but they are tight!

I think I am going to update on here every time I exercise though....if I have an audience I can't skip out on it.

So protein, vits, and exercise. I got this!

on 3/6/13 10:01 pm - Canada
VSG on 06/25/12
Honey I don't kniw about stalls yet but take Sharon's advice she knows ehat she is talking about!

I am there for support, we all are! Put the scale away and concentrate only on you, reaching deep down inside of you and learn to know your body and mind.

Karine xxx

Gastroscopy: May 26th 2012                   SW + HW 360
Labs: May 30th 2012                                Post opti   341.2
SD:  June 25th 2012                                Post op     338.6       


on 3/7/13 2:04 am - DE
RNY on 11/05/12
On March 7, 2013 at 6:01 AM Pacific Time, Karine wrote:
Honey I don't kniw about stalls yet but take Sharon's advice she knows ehat she is talking about!

I am there for support, we all are! Put the scale away and concentrate only on you, reaching deep down inside of you and learn to know your body and mind.

Karine xxx

i am going to take Sharon's advice.

And I'm going to get my protein in, vits in, exercise.

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