New to Group

on 1/15/13 4:08 am - Ennismore, Canada

Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have been in the Ontario Forum for quite awhile and my surgery is coming up in Feb.  I'm pretty nervous and scared about the surgery. I have read some stories about people getting the gastric bypass in the 50+ BMI. Can anyone enlighten me on issues they had and/or didn't have?

Referral:  August/2011                                    Nutrition Class: April 3rd/2012 TWH
Orientation: Jan/11/2012 at TWH                  Nutrition Assesment: May 15th/2012
Social Worker: March 6th/2012 at TWH       Psychologist: May15th/2012
Nurse Practioner: April 3rd/2012 TWH         Meeting with Sleep Dr: June 19th/2012
Meeting w Surgeon: Oct 12th/2012               Surgery Date: February 27th/2013
on 1/15/13 5:41 am - Austin, TX

I'm a sleever, but just wanted to say WELCOME! I've had great success - and lots of trip ups too. Biggest piece of advice? Seek mental health counseling if you need it. I didn't think I did. Ha! Best decision I've ever made, even more than the surgery. I didn't get to be 375 pounds because I was hungry.

The surgery definitely "fixed" my stomach... buit it took therapy to fix my head.

Either way... you'll do great! It's life changing and quite a ride!

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

Laura in Texas
on 1/15/13 6:01 am

My RNY was 4.33 years ago. My highest BMI was 53 and now it's 21. I have had no issues.

Try to relax. If things are tough at first, just know that they do get better. I think of myself as eating like an average thin person now. Life is good!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 1/15/13 7:30 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

Hi Trish,

I'm a sleever that started out with a 56 BMI. There are lots of RNY people here on this forum who can advise you.

Welcome. This is a great group of people for support, advice and knowledge.

We are saving you a place on the loser's bench.






on 1/15/13 9:26 am - Ennismore, Canada

The losers bench.....lmao  That's the first time that I have heard of that bench as a good thing to be on!!!

Thanks for the advise ladies!!  I think looking into getting some head advice is a great idea!!!

I've been heavy all my life and kids were really cruel growing up.  I've had allot to deal with over the years that has contributed to my weight gain.  Stress is a huge factor too!!  I always have too much on my plate and I don't mean

Referral:  August/2011                                    Nutrition Class: April 3rd/2012 TWH
Orientation: Jan/11/2012 at TWH                  Nutrition Assesment: May 15th/2012
Social Worker: March 6th/2012 at TWH       Psychologist: May15th/2012
Nurse Practioner: April 3rd/2012 TWH         Meeting with Sleep Dr: June 19th/2012
Meeting w Surgeon: Oct 12th/2012               Surgery Date: February 27th/2013
Doris Cervenka
on 1/15/13 3:05 pm - Ganado, TX

It very important that get emotional help for the emotional abuse suffered as young adult.   Words do hurt.  Cruelty and stress suffered because, Of our weight.  It important to you learn to love yourself and forgive yourself and others. You weight was not something you could control.  Some  people can.  Some people can,t. I lived on diets for years and still weighed 395 pounds at my highest weight.   Forgiveness seem impossible.  I been made fun by not just by  the kids but, the teachers  and adults as well.  I had young and old people who should know better make hateful commits.  When every hating on you it hard to even learn to like yourself.   The surgery is the easy part.  Learning to around people and trust people is what is hard.  All of a sudden you lost weight and people who never would have given you the time of day.  When were fat want to talk to you.  You  need to learn to deal  with your anger and emotions in a healthy way.  Face it . This world sucks.  When your fat learn  to Judge person by their heart and not their looks.  I just wish rest of the world could see things that way.  Your a good person with wonderful heart.  You have good things to look forward too.  Look me up[any time you need to talk.  It took years for me to get out of depression from the emotional abuse suffered from when was a child and young adult. It not some you just get over with over night.  If you need some one to talk look me up.

    Doris Cervenka


on 1/15/13 10:42 am - DE
RNY on 11/05/12
Hi! I had bmi over 50. Surgery was 2.5 months ago. Didnt have a single problem during surgery or my hosptial stay. Also haven't had problems since I've been home. Stay relaxed and I wish you luck!
on 1/15/13 2:54 pm - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

seams like a lot of surgeons are recommending  the sleeve for there larger patients especially  if most of your weight in on your belly

thats what mine wants to do for me after I lose about 30 more lbs  he says it is much safer surgery with less side effects

 with about the same weight lose ,just a little slower


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 1/15/13 2:59 pm - Renton, WA
I had RNY gastric bypass 12-15-10. My weight was 654 lbs. My BMI was over 100. My surgery was great, no issues with it. However I have a genetic blood disorder and so am a bleeder. So having to deal with that I have done well! I would advise you follow your doctors advice. Have lots of patience in your journey as it will be a lot longer than those generally who have smaller BMI's. JOURNALING has helped me with seeing my eat intake and exercise burn. Having a great amount of supports around you also... Not just friends and family but people that are going through similar things! Like OH!! This is a great forum. And WELCOME!!!!


Love being a winner on this side of the losers Bench!


on 1/16/13 3:26 am - Ennismore, Canada

Sherrie, thank you so much for your understanding. Your weight loss is truly inspirational!!

How are you feeling now? How are you maintaining your weight loss now?

Referral:  August/2011                                    Nutrition Class: April 3rd/2012 TWH
Orientation: Jan/11/2012 at TWH                  Nutrition Assesment: May 15th/2012
Social Worker: March 6th/2012 at TWH       Psychologist: May15th/2012
Nurse Practioner: April 3rd/2012 TWH         Meeting with Sleep Dr: June 19th/2012
Meeting w Surgeon: Oct 12th/2012               Surgery Date: February 27th/2013
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