What time do YOU all go to bed
Thanks Sharon. I am proud of you too! Of all of you! And myself! Lololol
Right now it's 9:30 and I am starving. I refused to eat tonight. I am taking a bath then bed time it is. But geese I am hungry. I feel nauseus. I feel weak. But I know it is a false feeling because I had as much calories as usually. This is just MY time of the day to eat! Will resist !!!!
Thanks again to all of you. You bring me much more than you can imagine!
Right now it's 9:30 and I am starving. I refused to eat tonight. I am taking a bath then bed time it is. But geese I am hungry. I feel nauseus. I feel weak. But I know it is a false feeling because I had as much calories as usually. This is just MY time of the day to eat! Will resist !!!!
Thanks again to all of you. You bring me much more than you can imagine!