I should have known better!

on 8/3/12 11:57 am
VSG on 07/18/13
 so, I mentioned a while ago that I didn't want to tell 3 of my friends about the WLS because I didn't think they'd be supportive, based on stuff they'd said in the past (they're all MO or SMO). A lot of others have said their fellow fat friends had been the least supportive, and that had already been true in one case with another friend (borderline acquaintance, really), so I didn't say anything. Kinda bugged me - one of them has been my friend since 10th grade!

Well, the other day I joined the facebook support group for patients at my WLS surgeon's clinic, not thinking about it showing up in the FB ticker...

I met for coffee on Monday with 2/3 of the women, and we got talking about weight (one of them has lost 60+ but was just diagnosed with diabetes) and the one I've known the longest mentioned she'd seen that I joined the FB group, and she had just been looking into WLS herself, etc etc!

I was so happy to be wrong!!! I apologized for not saying anything sooner, and why, and she agreed she'd been down on it before, but was pretty interested in the VSG. So we talked about it (and other stuff) for hours and it was great!

on 8/3/12 12:19 pm - CO
RNY on 02/28/12
 It is pretty amazing where we find support that we didn't even think would be there.  Way to go with your friends
 My journey begins 2/28/12 ! HW 300+, SW 291
on 8/3/12 2:18 pm - Renton, WA
This is so great to hear! It can be scary, but great that you got such a positive outcome!!



on 8/4/12 12:31 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
 Friends are there for us no matter what. The folks who aren't just aren't really who we hope they are. That knowledge is power. Unconditional love is the best. Sharon




on 8/4/12 4:06 am - OH
VSG on 07/10/12
I am a very private person and debated who to tell about the surgery. I really did not want to defend or discuss my decision. Well, the opposite just kind of happened. I have a very public position at work and decided to be perfectly honest with people. No sense in hiding the fact. The support is amazing. More than I expected. Some close friends stated they are happy that I finally decided to take care of myself for a change. Having WLS certainly makes you do that. I have several over-weight friends who I think are waiting to see how I do, then may have the surgery themselves. I ALWAYS said I would never have WLS. Today it is the best thing I've done. WLS has changed significantly in the last decade, even in 5 yrs. It took me a lot to get to the decision to do surgery, but I have not had one moment of regret.
on 8/4/12 11:10 am - RI
RNY on 01/16/12

So great your friends are being supportive.  When I decided to have the surgery.  I told my husband and daughter first.  WE discussed it.  I called my mother sister and brother told them.  But that was it in the beginning.  I didn't want any one to talk me out of it or hear any horror stories.  Some in my extended family can be negative.  As far as work I didn't want to say anything in case I was not approved.  Once I was I let those who needed to know I would be out.  Once I got my date I did let the rest of the family know.
My co-workers ask me if they should tell why I am out.  I said sure I didn't mind if any one knew.

Every one has been so supportive.  I have worked for the same company for many years.  Many have seen my struggle with weight and are so happy for me.  I get stopped and asked how its going.  Many have stopped me and told me how great I look.  Its very encouraging and keeps me motivated. 

Starting weight 369

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