sillyish WLS fantasies

on 7/21/12 3:46 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
 is it so terrible to have silly, vain fantasies about people's reaction to WLS?

here's my big one...where I work, we have this weird situation where half of our staff have left to work for another employer. I was due to transfer this year, but a change in plans means that instead of the remaining 100 or so people transferring, the others are coming back. In my department, they'll be coming back in April 2014.

now, I'm holding out hope that my surgery will be around April of 2013, which means that all things being equal, when they come back, I'll be a very different looking person...and I'll likely be involved in training them on the new systems and getting them back to our jobs...

I'm soooooooo looking forward to people's reactions! I got a taste of it when I shaved my head for a cancer fundraiser then went away for a few weeks - people's reactions to my natural hair color and short hair was hilarious!

the best one, I hope, will be my former "work husband". He and I were really close and have stayed in touch, but he opted to transfer to an office 5 hours away, so I don't see him much. Its been hard not to tell him about my decision, but the results will be fun,I hope!

on 7/22/12 12:16 am - Granada Hills, CA
 Not terrible at all :)

Ive avoided a few work functions over the last couple years so I could wait until I'm closer to goal or even post plastics to "reveal" my new self and shock people. I run into people every once in a while who havent seen me in the last 200 lbs - the reaction is great, but there are few douche bags im looking forward to surprising.

Ive avoided posting too many pics of me along the way on facebook to - unfortunately, people can take pics of me and tag me and I cant do much about it, but most of my friends havent even seen me in the last year or two and id love to wait until im done losing to post pics of myself. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 7/24/12 3:51 am
RNY on 09/10/12
 totally off subject lol, but you can control the tags in your settings, i have it set so i have to approve a tag before others can actually see it, so people can tag me but i have to approve it :)
on 7/22/12 1:03 am - Collierville, TN
 I moved to a different state right after my surgery and recently went back to visit friend.  It was shocking how many people didn't recognize me.  I just couldnt believe it.  I know I look different, but to not recognize me???  I have to admit, it was super cool.   Now that I am back home (move fromND back to TN) there are people that dont know I had surgery, who do not recognize me either.     There is a small part of me that would love to see my ex-husband, but that would be just out of  a na-na-boo-boo kinda of thing that isnt the best of choices, but would be really satisfying on another level.  :-)

Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog-


on 7/22/12 9:32 am - RI
RNY on 01/16/12

No not all.  I look forward to seeing people I have not seen in awhile and wonder what they will say.  Were I work there are 2 sides to our building.  Some have been moved to the other side.  So we don't see each other all the time now.  There are some co-workers I have not seen since my surgery.  I wonder what they will say when they see me.  This week we are having a company picnic  it should be fun to see their reactions.

Starting weight 369

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