Exciting News!

on 6/26/12 11:15 am
I have some really great news! I got a call from my clinic today, and it is feasible that I may be able to have surgery in September! I was all ready to have to do the 6 mo Dr. diet, but I may not have to do it. Come September I will be transferred to Medicare (which is embarrassing), but sounds like it might be life saving.
I have my first appointment with my surgeon on July 10th, and I will find out then how much he wants me to lose before he is willing to do the surgery. It may still be six months just because I may have to get under 400 lbs, but knowing that as soon as I hit that goal I will have surgery is amazing.
I couldn't wait to share with you all. I hope you're having a great evening. Talk to ya later!
Marianne G.
on 6/26/12 11:20 am
That's great news!  I will certainly keep my fingers crossed for you.  ( Sorry I can't cross my legs yet...maybe after surgery.  LOL)
on 6/27/12 2:18 pm - Renton, WA
That is exciting! I have Medicare, I did not have to lose any weight to be scheduled for surgery. Out of pocket for me was quite a bit. But oh so worth it! Best wishes!


on 7/1/12 11:05 am
Aww Thanks ya'll!
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