I am proud of my weight lose. I would probabily be dead if I had not had Gastric- by-pass. My weight was out of control even though. I was eating small healthy meals and exercise under a doctor care for years. The weight would not come off. I been over weight since childhood. The weight just would not come off. I watch my father died young because, of his weight. I watch my brother died a 40 years old weighing nearly 600 pounds.. At 36 years old weighing 390 pounds at 5foot 2' I decided, I was to young to die. Sometimes no matter what you do. How much you exercise. The weight just does come off by itself. I have share with many different people who I did not know my story. I will not be ashame of having surgery to save my life or to improve my life. After losing 180 pounds. Going 390 to 210 pounds in a year. I been happier. Than I have ever been. I do not tell everybody. But, If is a person who asks. I am not ashamed to tell my story. Nobody,, Should be ashamed of telling people . I had surgery to improve my life and to make my life better. If I had cancer. You would seek treatment. Obesity is disease that kills people. I got treatment from other doctors and It did not work. Before , I had surgery. Like any treatment it was my last choice and I had to fight to get it done and To get it paid for. It someone ask you about your weight lose. Tell them with a smile on your face. I make a daily choice to change my life for the better. That is all you have to say. I am very private person too. Trusting a person with a part of yourself. That what you do when tell your story. Not every person is worthy of your trust. I learned that because, I was treat so badly for most of my life because of my weight. As an over -weight person. I always had to work twice as to get ahead or just recongnized as a normal person. Even a 390 pounds. I worked long hours as a Medication Aide and Nurses Aide.and was on my feet all day and Still did not lose weight or get the respect I deserved for my hard work. It somebody does like the way you live your life or stands in judgements of the choices you made for your life tell them to **** off. So much for being a nice person and Christain. Some people will never get it and Just out to push other people down. We know who they are. Those people are not worth your time, effect or energy.