VSG on 03/13/12
Hi guys,Sorry that i thought i posted on the forum as well,Anyway i was sleeved on the 13th and my dr said that everything went well,I didn't have a foley or a jp drain.Once i got to my room i was able to take two lap around the unit.I'm feeling pretty ok,Except for this gas still rolling around.I can actually hear it when i open my,However im walking and drinking lots of tea that seems to be helping...Thank you guys for your endless support.
P.s i wrote a blog in more details if anyone wants to read it and i also lost 10.8 pds before surgery.
P.s i wrote a blog in more details if anyone wants to read it and i also lost 10.8 pds before surgery.
VSG on 03/13/12
Hi Dori i'm trying to get rest as much as i can anyway but with this damn gas,Thats easier said then,I'm gonna keep walking and sipping and resting,
VSG on 03/13/12
VSG on 03/13/12
Thank you,I've been walking around the house,Sometimes it feel like i didnt have surgery until i start have pain from my incision.
Great to hear that everything went well. I've also been thinking of you. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Referral to Guelph: 3-May-11 Orientation: 22-Mar-12 Nurse & Dietitian: 30-Apr-12 Sleep Study: 2-May-12 Social Worker: 9-May-12 Upper GI: 14-May-12 Ultrasound: 17-May-12 N, D, SW (2nd. appt.): 4-Jul-12 Post Op. Class: 9-Sept-12 Surgeon: 24-Oct-12 Optifast: 22-Nov-12 PAT: 30-Nov-12 Surgery: 6-Dec-12
VSG on 03/13/12
Thank you Jenniea for the well wishes recovery is going pretty damn good i must say.