Three victories in one day -- 200, 140, 1050
Today is one day before my other Birthday. I am going to call my Surgeversary (3/2) my other birthday because it better describes how I feel about that day. I will be 59 in April, but I feel as well as I did in my 30's,
I had 3 victories today, one scale and 2 FV's (Fitness Victories)
Here are the significance of the numbers
200 - The number of pounds I have lost since I stepped on the scale at the surgeon's office for my first consult. 22 pre-op and 178 post-op.
140 - My bench press1RM (1 Rep Max). this probably needs some explanation. It is the amount of weight a person can lift (in this case bench press) using one maximum effort, and cant do it again unless the wait a long time to recover.
140 is not good, but considering that in early in Jan, my 1RM was 95 which was embarrassing to me, it is progress to my goal of being able to bench my own weight.
Side note; I was always fat, but always very strong. My senior year in high school I weighed 310, and could bench. 320. When we were first married, my wife had a great line she would use when she would introduce me to people. "This is my husband Gary, He's strong as an ox and almost as smart.
My strength defined me, set me apart. I not only got fat (really fat), but I got weak. I think the best part of LS for me is I now have the energy to work out more.
1050 - This is the number of stairs I climbed today.
As part of my new attitude of grabbing opportunities to burn calories whenever I can, I now climb the stairs instead of taking the escalators and elevators at work. From the 1st to the 4th floor in my building is 105 stairs. My work life is filled with meetings. I If I have to go to a second floor conference room for example, I will go the the first floor, walk to the wing of the building I need to go to, climb to the 4th floor, and them come back down to the second floor. between that and my lunch walks, I climbed from the 1st, to the 4th floor ten times today.
If you want to know how I feel, follow this link.
Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily
I know what you mean about the strength thing, I actually freaked out before surgery because I was afraid that it was going to make me puny little weakling. I didn't realize that I had lost much of my strength years ago...
Thankfully, doing weightlifting while losing weight, kept my mass up and helped tremendously! Sounds like you are on the same path-WTG!
Have you ever done CrossFit?
Congrats again, and here's to more NSV's!!!

:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170