So the other day,,, rudeness at upmost right blatantly to my face!
on 2/27/12 11:20 pm
on 2/27/12 11:20 pm
I too have a mental illness and was feeling crappy that this insensitive persons remarks were placed into that category instead of she was mean, period. I am black, obese, a lesbian and have a few mental health issues, with that said, it seems to me that being fat seems to give society lisence to say whatever they want however they want. I wonder if she yelled across the room "hey butch!" how manypeople would have said something or worse "hey, N" Intolreance shifts constantly and apparently we fat people are "it" now in this country,along with illegals. It seems to people only have issues with illegals fromMexico and Jamaicans, Croations etc don't count? Oh gosh,sorry about the rant and hijack. My point is;we all bleed red and are entitled to betreated with dignity because we are all human in all of our prismatic splendor!
People do tick the way they tick.
In life that is what it is.
Accepting does not necessarily mean agreeing.
But exactly, we do all bleed because we are all human.
I never would guess what or why this lady did what she did. I stood up and she left. I would not have attacked at her, would have merely taken myself elsewhere if further action were have warranted it.
I wish I could understand the debth of someone's decisions to do some of the things they do, such as this lady. But I cannot, so it was what it was. Why ever she felt the need.
I made it a great day because I can control my decision to make it a great day!
In life that is what it is.
Accepting does not necessarily mean agreeing.
But exactly, we do all bleed because we are all human.
I never would guess what or why this lady did what she did. I stood up and she left. I would not have attacked at her, would have merely taken myself elsewhere if further action were have warranted it.
I wish I could understand the debth of someone's decisions to do some of the things they do, such as this lady. But I cannot, so it was what it was. Why ever she felt the need.
I made it a great day because I can control my decision to make it a great day!
RNY on 02/06/12
I fail to understand how people can be so rude and unsensitive. Here in the USA where 1 out of 3 people are considered obese, that means you HAVE to know someone who has a weight issue. Would you act a fool and talk badly about them in public? NO! So why would you do that to someone else. That person is someone's mother/lover/sister/daughter/friend and they have feelings.
You handled yourself with grace and you weren't rude to a woman who was VERY rude to you. You get two big thumbs up from me.
I could learn something from you.

I've been in so many of these "situations" and my reactions really pepper the spectrum of appropriateness. From when I kept quiet when an older woman at church told me to pray the fat away and I would look as good as she did (she was heavier than I was, so maybe I was just stunned silent). To the time when I was a teenager and a guy roughly grabbed the fatty part of my arm, and I turned around and hit him in the liver so hard he needed assistance getting to the door (horrible behavior on my part... but I won't appologize for it).
I find that talking to these people in a calm, rational manner is the best way to shut them up and send them on their way.
You handled yourself with grace and you weren't rude to a woman who was VERY rude to you. You get two big thumbs up from me.

I've been in so many of these "situations" and my reactions really pepper the spectrum of appropriateness. From when I kept quiet when an older woman at church told me to pray the fat away and I would look as good as she did (she was heavier than I was, so maybe I was just stunned silent). To the time when I was a teenager and a guy roughly grabbed the fatty part of my arm, and I turned around and hit him in the liver so hard he needed assistance getting to the door (horrible behavior on my part... but I won't appologize for it).
I find that talking to these people in a calm, rational manner is the best way to shut them up and send them on their way.
(horrible behavior on my part... but I won't appologize for it).
Ha, Ha! I love that attitude! I've never been one to "turn the other cheek". Mess with me, and I mess with you right back. Not a very good way to live, but I've addapted quite well to it!
Ha, Ha! I love that attitude! I've never been one to "turn the other cheek". Mess with me, and I mess with you right back. Not a very good way to live, but I've addapted quite well to it!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
I don't understand, why was she yelling at you?
Either way, sounds like you handled it well!
All we can do it pity people who have no compassion for others....
That woman is nuts, you are beautiful, and are going to make a stunning bride!!!
Either way, sounds like you handled it well!
All we can do it pity people who have no compassion for others....
That woman is nuts, you are beautiful, and are going to make a stunning bride!!!

:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170
Oh Sherrie, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I have been in a similar situation when some woman at the grocery store said some pretty mean things to me too. I was so shocked that a stranger would stoop to that level but obviously they exist. Makes you wonder what makes people do and say things like that. In my situation, the woman had kids with her. If that is what they are exposed toand raised by, it's no wonder they grow up to be the ignorant, rude adults that yell mean things to innocent strangers. I have one word for people like that and it's KARMA... In my situation, the woman left her kids in the car while she went into the store (she was parked in a no parking zone). So, I called the police and reported the make/model/location of the car and that children had been left alone in the car... I can be a b*tch too when someone pushes me.
WOW, Sherrie I am so sorry someone made you feel that way.
I just hate people sometimes. They don't understand at all. Good for you for standing up for yourself, that type of behavior should never be acceptable. No matter what the mental illness. Children should be educated on what is polite, but this was an adult, totally unacceptable.
Hang in there girl and someone else was right-- LESS than 300!
I just hate people sometimes. They don't understand at all. Good for you for standing up for yourself, that type of behavior should never be acceptable. No matter what the mental illness. Children should be educated on what is polite, but this was an adult, totally unacceptable.
Hang in there girl and someone else was right-- LESS than 300!
Hey Sherrie,
I wondered how I missed this post (from our phone call yesterday), but I was absent from the Forum...
In this world there will always be negative folks - some more vocal than others. To balance THEM out, WE need to be POSITIVE. I am loud, and proud of all the work I have done. YOU BE , TOO!
When you are at a comfortablke weight, you will still have someone rolling their eyes for one reason or another - in my case, it will be in choice of swimwear!
Hang in there and just realize there are "ill" folks everywhere!
Brenda : )~
I wondered how I missed this post (from our phone call yesterday), but I was absent from the Forum...
In this world there will always be negative folks - some more vocal than others. To balance THEM out, WE need to be POSITIVE. I am loud, and proud of all the work I have done. YOU BE , TOO!
When you are at a comfortablke weight, you will still have someone rolling their eyes for one reason or another - in my case, it will be in choice of swimwear!
Hang in there and just realize there are "ill" folks everywhere!
Brenda : )~
There are people *****spond to ignorance and insults with class, (you) and others who have absolutely no problem kicken azz! (me!) I have had all sorts of things said to me also. What bothers me is that I have lymphedema really bad right now in both of my legs....making me look way fatter than I really am. (I'm not thin either, I just look bigger due to the fluid in my legs) And the treatment I get from others is down right rude. Simply "putting down the fork" or "walk more" won't help me in this certain situation. I have a medical problem that's hard to control so BITE ME!!!
Good for you handlind that with class. As for me, security would have had to come and hog-tie me and drag me out kicking and screaming, while that other woman would need an ambulance!
Good for you handlind that with class. As for me, security would have had to come and hog-tie me and drag me out kicking and screaming, while that other woman would need an ambulance!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!