the reason im overweight!!
RNY on 02/13/12
ok so i had a pretty rough childhood parents divorced when i was 4 and i went to live with my dad well my step mother always treated me like the step child i was always the last to get anything it was even worse when my dad would go out of town for work they have 2 children together so those 2 got everything before i was ever thought of i had a slight learning disability most of my life my counselor at school tried to tell my parents but my dad just said i wasnt "stupid" i was just "lazy" that i didnt want to do it so everytime someone would say something bad about me i would hide and eat well of course everyone else in the house was always skinny so i was made fun of for being fat i had a pretty rough childhood but i know now that im an adult that they were very cruel for what they said if i had any step children i would NEVER treat them the way i was treated me and my husband dont have any kids as of yet but im hoping with gastric bypass we will be able to in a year or so i just think couseling will do me alot of help too so i dont pick back up food as a coping mechanism for life thanks for reading

Now that you have a piece of the puzzle, you can now work on a positive way to deal with hardship. We all have had negative moments in our lives, but how we move forward is how we find a way to succeed. One of the things that used to annoy me about therapy was the therapist saying how horrible a life I had. HAD is the key word.
Trying not to live in the past is what I strive for. I am a forward facing person. Not that I want to bury my past, I just realize it happened, and I am presently in a great place emotionally.
Love yourself, above all else -- and the rest will come ;)
Brenda : )~
Now that you have a piece of the puzzle, you can now work on a positive way to deal with hardship. We all have had negative moments in our lives, but how we move forward is how we find a way to succeed. One of the things that used to annoy me about therapy was the therapist saying how horrible a life I had. HAD is the key word.
Trying not to live in the past is what I strive for. I am a forward facing person. Not that I want to bury my past, I just realize it happened, and I am presently in a great place emotionally.
Love yourself, above all else -- and the rest will come ;)
Brenda : )~
I can truly see what beautiful and kind person your are. Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. I grew the same way. Mimus the mother. She died when I was four. But, I grew with an emotional abusive and physically father. I had a learning disability too. I failed the first grade, I do not know if it was learning disability or that nobody cared enough to teach me anything. I learned later that it was both. I was the youngest of four. I grew so afraid of my father. I use to hide when came home from work because, ,He never was in a good mood. Thehouse was never going to be clean enough. The dishes never washed. We were just kids my oldest sister was 12. My brother was 13. But, My father believed that men did not have to do house work. So,My brother became as bad as my father. My father dragged 4 different wives home. Most of his marriage lasted about a month. One lady stay for all of three days. I never really had any friends in school because, I was the fat kid everybody picked on. Just say grow up my life was a living hell.
I all I can say is your past is your past. Learn to live with it. Forgiveness is not for others it is for yourself. Think about forgiving the people who hurt you the most in this world. It took me years of couseling and depression medication. to get to where I could thinkof even liking let alone loving myself. Enough to be able to forgive people.
I all I can say is your past is your past. Learn to live with it. Forgiveness is not for others it is for yourself. Think about forgiving the people who hurt you the most in this world. It took me years of couseling and depression medication. to get to where I could thinkof even liking let alone loving myself. Enough to be able to forgive people.
RNY on 02/13/12
On February 24, 2012 at 4:24 PM Pacific Time, Doris Cervenka wrote:
I can truly see what beautiful and kind person your are. Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. I grew the same way. Mimus the mother. She died when I was four. But, I grew with an emotional abusive and physically father. I had a learning disability too. I failed the first grade, I do not know if it was learning disability or that nobody cared enough to teach me anything. I learned later that it was both. I was the youngest of four. I grew so afraid of my father. I use to hide when came home from work because, ,He never was in a good mood. Thehouse was never going to be clean enough. The dishes never washed. We were just kids my oldest sister was 12. My brother was 13. But, My father believed that men did not have to do house work. So,My brother became as bad as my father. My father dragged 4 different wives home. Most of his marriage lasted about a month. One lady stay for all of three days. I never really had any friends in school because, I was the fat kid everybody picked on. Just say grow up my life was a living hell.I all I can say is your past is your past. Learn to live with it. Forgiveness is not for others it is for yourself. Think about forgiving the people who hurt you the most in this world. It took me years of couseling and depression medication. to get to where I could thinkof even liking let alone loving myself. Enough to be able to forgive people.
Huugssss to you Sarah!
I can't speak highly enough about getting into therapy. I've been in therapy off and on for several years now for depression, grief and my emotional eating. It has opened my eyes to the "inner me." I'm seeing a wonderful counselor right now and I will continue to see her post op to help me with all the changes that will be happening to my mind and body.
I can't speak highly enough about getting into therapy. I've been in therapy off and on for several years now for depression, grief and my emotional eating. It has opened my eyes to the "inner me." I'm seeing a wonderful counselor right now and I will continue to see her post op to help me with all the changes that will be happening to my mind and body.