A lil scared. met with surgeon today. he was nice and changed my mind about the surgery i was originally shooting for. I can still change my mind. I was originally gona try and get rny, and today he talked me into vsg. mainly because i have gotten Bells Palsy 3x and in case i keep getting it, well you take steroids. hmmm anyhow. So he also said i dont have to do a monitored diet at all ... although my surgery date is based n when i finish psych/nut/lab work. h and the big one ... I have to loose 24 lbs. I am scared of not loosing. I been on a diet for the past month and havnt lost anything :( any suggestions?i was told to stay out of gym till my swelling is under contol, although everytime i workout at the gym my legs swell up and its painfull. i feel like im up for a battle and i dont forsee a victory.
Could you possibly have lymph edema? If you are swelling uncontrably that is not a good thing. They need to find the source of your swelling. I have it and it took me going to 16 different doctors before I finally got one to help me. I so understand swelling but you need to get the swelling under control before surgery, because it will help with your recovery.
If you are swelling that badly loosing the weight will be problemmatic. I can gain 20 lbs in one day from my lymphedema if I am having a bad day.
Are you wearing compression stockings?? Please get your swelling checked out ASAP so they can help you.
All you can do is the best you can do in loosing the 24 lbs- they just want you to try and shrink your liver so you are in the best possible situation to have lap surgery.
Hang in there and get that swelling checked out
If you are swelling that badly loosing the weight will be problemmatic. I can gain 20 lbs in one day from my lymphedema if I am having a bad day.
Are you wearing compression stockings?? Please get your swelling checked out ASAP so they can help you.
All you can do is the best you can do in loosing the 24 lbs- they just want you to try and shrink your liver so you are in the best possible situation to have lap surgery.
Hang in there and get that swelling checked out
I agree with JJ----first things first----get the swelling checked out. It sounds like lymph edema to me, too. I was hospitalized 6x in 8 months at my highest weight for it (with some complications). Not fun!!! In the meantime, google it and take a look at a few of the very easy exercises for lymph edema. There are 3 that I still do every am and pm just to address it even though I think I've pretty much eliminated the problem with weight loss.. The exercises couldn't hurt if it's something entirely different!
Other exercising---how about some water walking or swimming laps? for right now? or even chair exercises for some upper body strength.
Pre op weight loss---I would do the induction (1st 2 weeks) of either Atkins (with less fat) or South Beach (which I like better due to the lower recommended fat). It's good practice for post VSG in my estimation. Set up a free account at myfitnesspal.com or other tracking site now. Again, good practice for later and helps you see what your eating now vs the future.
Good luck----Check out the swelling!!!!!
Other exercising---how about some water walking or swimming laps? for right now? or even chair exercises for some upper body strength.

Pre op weight loss---I would do the induction (1st 2 weeks) of either Atkins (with less fat) or South Beach (which I like better due to the lower recommended fat). It's good practice for post VSG in my estimation. Set up a free account at myfitnesspal.com or other tracking site now. Again, good practice for later and helps you see what your eating now vs the future.
Good luck----Check out the swelling!!!!!
Lymph edema... well thats what i thought i had, when i mentioned it to my PCP he seemed annoyed by me and said i didnt have that. he said it was due to my weight physical activity. he said basically i am too heavy and need to rest more. keep feet elevated use compression socks and buy nursing shoes??? He didnt seem to concerned. Bloodwork came back normal. He never gave me a name of what i have, although when i do stop activity and keep feet elevated it does go away, He says what im getting are kinda like what pregnant women get towards end of pregnancy? I just wi**** would go away, because it makes it difficult to walk, ride bike when my legs and feet are .like that :/ Anyhow. For now i suppose i will give the atkins a try :) My mom bought me some slim fast lol havnt used that since highschool... lol i wonder if it would actually work.
So why don't you try the Slim Fast since you have some. Look at Atkins for 2 meals and replace one meal with the Slim Fast. Try it for just a week or 2. If you really stick with it for 2 weeks, I'll bet you see a significant loss. If you don't like the slim fast, try another protein shake.
I still think you might want to see a specialist for the swelling---I was diagnosed by an Immunologist but it was a result of hospitalization. I don't know who you would contact. I think you have to get a Rx for compression stockings, right? But they might help. Try some exercises that keep you off your feet---or in the water.
I still think you might want to see a specialist for the swelling---I was diagnosed by an Immunologist but it was a result of hospitalization. I don't know who you would contact. I think you have to get a Rx for compression stockings, right? But they might help. Try some exercises that keep you off your feet---or in the water.
I am deffinately gonna try the slim fast... as i was writing my post my mom texted me lol. As for seeing a specialist, i am still in the hopes of seeing one. I gotta keep bugging my PCP. And yes your correct i did need a rx for the cmpression stockings. Those things r kinda pricey. well maybe just for me... I have Medi-Cal and well they were not covered. the stockings help somewhat. although the best way to get the swelling down for me is elevating them... occassionaly when its painful i use otc water pills. that helps the swelling overnight and im good the next day. Thannks for reminding me about pool exercises :) that totally slipped my mind... awesome :) looks like i will be abe to exercise
DS on 01/23/13
I have bad edema, but it's not lymph related. I've had it in my feet/ankles for years, but about a year ago it had spread to my upper legs, my belly, arm, and particularly my left side. In my case it was an issue of heart and pulmonary issues. Being super obese leads to an enlarged heart, which leads to leaky valves and inadequate pressure to pump/circulate. It was, surprisingly, made worse when I started CPAP therapy, because my heart didn't have to work as hard as it had previously.
This was about 5 months before surgery. I was put on diuretics (lasix) and obviously told to stay away from all sodium. There was marked improvement. I'm 6 mos post op, am still taking the lasix, but only a quarter of what I was taking, but it's worlds better.
This was about 5 months before surgery. I was put on diuretics (lasix) and obviously told to stay away from all sodium. There was marked improvement. I'm 6 mos post op, am still taking the lasix, but only a quarter of what I was taking, but it's worlds better.