Reposted this here... As trying to figure out where I should be

on 12/7/11 6:04 am - Renton, WA
I am trying to stay positive, and feeling great. Although I am nearing my 1 year post-op on 12-15-11. I have lost 330 lbs since 08-23-10 and still have around 180 to lose. I am wondering if there are any of you out there that have continued to lose after your year date. I am determined to continue to lose and then maintain. But how has it been for those of you that took longer than a year to get to your goal weight. I just remember my surgeon mentioning a year window. I am trying to stay positive. I have not gained weight until day before yesterday I noticed a few pounds gained and was really upset. I am still walking and swimming almost daily. Still watching closely to what I am eating and drinking. Just bad timing for this with being so close to my 1 year. Also knowing I have a ways to go. In comparison to where I came from I feel great! It is a bit scary, I wish in a way my surgeon would not have said that about the first year.... maybe I just missunderstood him?
How has others done? Any suggestions on doing things or well just encouragement?
J J the Jet Plane
on 12/7/11 9:03 am
WOW I think you are doing great!  Remember you would have to eat like 3500 xtra calories to gain one pound of fat.  Do you think it could be water gain?  I heard it was more like 18-20 months for your weight loss window??  There is a vet on OH and I think her screen name is Kalanni??  It took her three years to lose all her weight and she is doing great.  Hang in there! You have come a long way!  Glad you are feeling better!

Im sure a few vets will be along soon ....

Congrats on your success!
on 12/7/11 11:45 am - Granada Hills, CA
Ive heard the mal-absorption for RNY doesn't wear off for 18months -3 years.

Even outside of that issue, there really isn't a magic window. The surgery is just a tool (honestly!) that will continue to help you for a very long time time. Because losing weight is a conscious effort of watching what you eat, making healthy choices, and exercising, you can continue to lose weight for as long as you keep trying.

You have done PHENOMENAL. !!!!!!!! You should be very very proud. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 12/7/11 1:06 pm - NYC, NY
DS on 01/23/13
 WOW!  You're my inspiration!  That's fantastic!

It's my understanding that you'll lose the most in the first 12-18 months, but by no means does that mean you'll stop losing altogether if you are continuing to eat and exercise enough so to be under your base metabolic rate.  Those time frames are averages, and you are not average.  
on 12/16/11 1:49 am
Brenda C.
on 12/19/11 1:46 pm
Honey, I just hit my one year a month ago, and I REFUSE to accept 165 pounds as "That's it..."

If you are willing to put the work into this, I will too!!! 

Stay Positive!!!
Brenda : )~
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