Getting through Thanksgiving. Food is the least of my problems.

Doris Cervenka
on 11/22/11 12:34 am, edited 11/22/11 12:54 am - Ganado, TX
  Getting through Thanksgiving my first time since having my Gastric-by-pass. I am not so worried about eatting to much. Because, I really can,t get more than a bite or two down. But, Having my whole family My sisters, Nieces and Nephews and their wives ask me about my weight lose .  When am in the middle of the biggest stall of my life. A month and half of know weight lose.  I feel like they will be judging me and every thing eat or don,t eat.  I feel awful. and just don,t what I AM DOING WRONG.  I know people stall after losing a large amount of weight. I lost sixty before surgery. So lost 135 pounds all together. But, I did not think would stall after losing only seventy pounds. I expected so much more from myself. I have really tried hard.
   I know one of the biggest thing about losing weight is forgiving your self for past sins and mistakes and letting them go.  Getting rid of the extra baggage. Not feeling like the Biggest loser.  Who never wins. The person who always comes in second.  Who never get the money after doing all the work. So I worked on retraining my mind and  to think differently about the way you eat and think about your weight. I worked on letting go of my stress go. I enjoyed myself.  I exercised. I watch what I ate.  I increased my protein. I walked.  I told myself I could get under two pounds.  But,THE SCALE FROM HELL DID NOTHING.  It has not moved and I am just depressed ,scared and have no idea what to do.
on 11/22/11 1:23 am - RI
RNY on 01/16/12
Hi Doris

I am still a pre-op so I dont pretend to know how you feel.  But i do want to tell you.  Losing 135 in 5 months is amazing.  I think you are being to hard   From what I hear stalls happen.  Have you met with your nut to go over your food.  That may help.  Good luck

Starting weight 369

on 11/22/11 5:56 am

There are some people who can look at a scale every day- and not get stressed out by the number...I don't think you are one of these people. If I were you, I would hide it or toss that thing out. That number doesn't define you, it doesn't have anything to do with your happiness- it's just a number.

You need to calm down, you are in the normal 6month stall. Most WLS'rs get them, it doesn't mean that you are doing anything wrong, in fact it means that you have been doing things right.

Your body has shed so much weight it's in "Freak Out" mode and is trying to figure out what's going on. Keep getting in your lean protein and veggies, drinking lots of water and guess what- the stall will end and you will look back and forget it ever happened.

This is normal- relax and enjoy your holiday. This season is about Thankfulness and helping others, focus on your family, focus on the amazing things you can do now. Don't spend time on what people may or may not think of you. It is only what you think of yourself that matters.

But if it's worth anything- I think you're pretty swell, especially cuz you have lost a whole person already and that's pretty hang in there!!!

Good Luck


:Danni  >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170


J J the Jet Plane
on 11/22/11 7:36 am
I responded to the other post-- but yeah what Danni said!
on 11/22/11 10:09 am - Renton, WA


It is funny how are minds think.  Your family will most likely look at you with amazement!  

Remember, the weight did not come on overnight, it will not go off overnight!


In my experience with losing 330 lbs to date, I have had 4-5 week periods of no weightloss.  Usually I then start to lose and within a few days lose 15 to 20 lbs.  I have a ways to go as I am still 324 lbs.  
This will be my first Thanksgiving since my surgery.  I plan to eat out of my 1 cup bowl, and my family will do what they are going to do.   

Worry less about the numbers on the scale, and know that you are doing FABULOUS!!



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