Stoked! Lost 20 BMI points, and made a weight goal...
After realizing I made my first weight goal after surgery, I noticed I also have lost 20 BMI points - very cool!
I was happy to face the scale this morning, and even happier when it told me I had in fact made it down to 350 pounds. For most on the Forums (except here), being 350 pounds is NOT a reason to celebrate. Losing 124 pounds feels great, but losing another 176 pounds will feel even better.
Moments of head hunger still happen, but being satisfied with smaller portions is something I am so encouraged by! My weight losses aren't crazy fast, very steady, so I learning to look forward to finally realizing certain goals.
My exercise has been very dedicated, which is the most encouraging part of this journey. Being able to do the things I used to do physically, is a real "wow" moment. I look at my daily exercise as a "job," so I do not have any problems going to "work" daily. I will say though, I continue to have positional hypotension, so I am careful bending over - I am not a fan of kissing the carpet!!!
Six months down, a whole life to go!!!
Brenda : )~
I was happy to face the scale this morning, and even happier when it told me I had in fact made it down to 350 pounds. For most on the Forums (except here), being 350 pounds is NOT a reason to celebrate. Losing 124 pounds feels great, but losing another 176 pounds will feel even better.
Moments of head hunger still happen, but being satisfied with smaller portions is something I am so encouraged by! My weight losses aren't crazy fast, very steady, so I learning to look forward to finally realizing certain goals.
My exercise has been very dedicated, which is the most encouraging part of this journey. Being able to do the things I used to do physically, is a real "wow" moment. I look at my daily exercise as a "job," so I do not have any problems going to "work" daily. I will say though, I continue to have positional hypotension, so I am careful bending over - I am not a fan of kissing the carpet!!!
Six months down, a whole life to go!!!
Brenda : )~
Awesome job, Brenda. Keep up the hard work

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.? Louis L'Amour quote