Do you feel odd telling people how much you have lost?
But no, I don't feel odd about it at all. I am a pretty outgoing person and like to talk about myself... :)
I would have rather died than tell someone I was 400 lbs when I actually was 400 lbs. I guess I started feeling comfortable with it when I was around the 250 mark. My husband made the comment to me that I looked "normal". He didn't mean anything negative by it at all - but explained that I looked like someone who just had maybe gained some weight but not someone who had been morbidly obese most of her life. That just kind of stuck in my head.
I get that question all the time & I HATE it - especially when it's someone weighing all of 110 lbs asking - I don't feel comfortable saying "I lost you & your little dog too!!" (though maybe I will throw that in there in a witch voice if they persist!! lmao What I do say is 'a couple of dogs & a cat' or a LOT, or not enough yet - it usually shuts 'em up and if it doesn't I say that I never really kept track... what I'm really thinking is 'if it were your business, you would already know!!' lol This has worked for me pretty well so far :)
You are doing great! All the best to you!
385/199 goal/139 current
6' Tall

Surgery Date 8/2/2005
Brenda : )~
Hi Brenda, you know this is kinda strange but I don't really care that people know where I started as long as I'm traveling down the scale. The only time, so far that I have felt uncomfortable is when I told a family member that I don't see very often that I had the surgery. All she said was, "that's good because you looked really bad last time I saw you" After something like that from my sister who is supposed to love me no matter what, I can take anything from a stranger. Oh and she said she hopes I don't fail with it like her daughters have. (they have both regained after rny).
You are doing so well, try to not dwell on things that are only a fleeting thought to the ones asking the questions. Lori :0)
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.