Practice taking risks.
Practice taking risks.
When your life is not what you want it to be, it's easy to settle. Your boss expects you to work late, so you do it -- even if you miss your support group meeting. Your son expects you to babysit your grandchild, so you do it -- even if you have to cancel getting your lab work done. Your sister expects you to attend her birthday party, so you do it -- even if the party will include loads of unhealthy, tempting food (and you are struggling with food).
It's no fun to stand up to people in your life who you know (if you are really honest with yourself) are asking for more than you have to give. Even when a demand on you is appropriate, sometimes you have to say no. Saying no is taking a risk. If you want a better life, taking the risk to say no to others is vital. So practice.
Action for the day: Say no to someone today, even if you could just as easily have said yes. Practice letting other people be uncomfortable so that you can begin to move toward a healthier and more fulfilling life for yourself.
© 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved. To buy Katie Jay's book, Daily Inspirations for Weight Loss Surgery Patients, visit and click on "Buy Books and Audios."