Buffalo Hump?

on 1/5/11 12:58 pm - Flagstaff, AZ
Does anyone else have a large hump of fat between their shoulder blades, right behind their neck?  My mom calls it a buffalo hump.  It's been driving me nuts and makes it look like I have no neck.  Sorry if this is a random post, I was just wondering if anyone else has the same thing.  If you do and you've already had WLS, does the hump go away?
Brenda C.
on 1/6/11 12:58 pm
It's also known as a Dowagers Hump - which made my primary doc laugh!  It DOES go away with weight loss.  If anything, the hump 'o fat is CAUSED by being obese.  One of the things that is looked at during your routine checkups is the hump.  My doctor actually showed me what docs are looking for: DARKNESS in the crease.  Evidently, it is a pre-diabetic sign.  Not all of us with the old Dowager/Buffalo Hump are pre-diabetic (or diabetic)

Here's another one for you!  I actually had a knot on the back of my head (base of scull), and after losing 60+ pounds, it is gone -- wooo!  I was the only one who knew it was there, but it made me really mad!

Lucky, or unlucky for me, I lose from the top down.  I am so much smaller on top, that my stupid lower half barely looks like anything is happening.  Oh well, got some new videos on the way, core work is ahead for this pear shaped gal!

Brenda  : )~
Tracey W.
on 1/14/11 1:11 pm
I have a hump. I'm still preop, lost 68 pounds so far though. I have noticed that the hump is shrinking. I think it's having a race with my poor boobs to see which disappears first.
Trying to build a better life, one good choice at a time.  
"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain."-Ruby Gettinger        
on 2/16/11 10:47 pm
There are a couple of different conditions... a dowager's hump is a curvature of the spine caused by osteoporosis and the fracturing of vertabrae. My grandmother had that, and it is not reversible through weight loss. A Bufflo hump is a deposit of fat that can be caused by obesity or by Cushing syndrome. If the hump is caused by obesity, it will be lost by loosing weight. If it is caused by Cusing syndrome (caused by overexposure to corticosteroids, I think) it will need treatment for the cushing syndrome.

I have something different... a lump of cartilege in the same spot that I have had since I was a little kid. I suspect the fat around it will shrink a litle, but it will likely not go fully away ever. I have been told it is a common for people with this lump to develop arthritis or spondylosis. I hope I escape that fate...
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
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