Bit of a rough one today

on 8/22/10 9:32 am
Having a bit of a rough day today.  Can honestly say this is the first time all week that I have been hungry.  The problem is that I have felt hungry all day!!!!!  I have tried more protein and drinking more water but it isn't working.  I have done so well all week.  I am afraid that i am close to falling off the food wagon.  :(
Cynthia Snyder
on 8/22/10 10:35 am - Butler, IN
Been there, done that! I think you're doing the right things....also exercise. There is just something about exercise....even going for a short walk. It really does something for our mental attitude, which in all honesty, is where the battle truly lies with us. May God bless you in your journey!
Brenda C.
on 8/24/10 8:54 am
I got a chuckle from what my inner voice just said to me: Idle hands are the Devils workshop!

Keep your mind & hands busy, and drink water!  I find the worst thing for me to do is watch television!  Between the mind numbing distraction to the damn food commercials, I am asking a lot of my resolve.  When I start thinking I want a little nibble, if I am NOT hungry, I find something productive to do.  Problem is, I start one thing, then two, then I have to say, WHOA!  Finish one before the other!!!  My yard looks fabulous, the driveway has no leaves or pine needles, laundry is ALL done & put away, did my two mile walk, got chicken thawing for dinner, and I am feeling proud that I am following through!

Stay positive & busy!  When I need to nibble, I grab a carrot (I am pre-surgical) because they have 35 calories & give me that crunch to satisfy my mouth.  Keeps me out of trouble ;)

Hang in there!!!
Brenda  : )~
Molly S.
on 8/27/10 2:50 am - Chicago, IL
How are you today?  Just keep eating protein.  Your body will adjust.  Hang in there.  Consistency not perfection.  So just because you are having a bad day today is no reason to throw in the towel or fall off the wagon as you put it.  One bad day is not going to hurt you.  Patience with yourself is key and positive thinking.  You can do it.  I know this is late, but I hope you are feeling better today.
on 8/27/10 6:24 am
Thanks for asking Molly.  I didn't have a great day today.  Ate some french fries and a couple of cookies.  THis is the first time I have gone over my calroies since I started.  All in all, I am still pleased with my progress.  There is so much going on for me right now!  I lost a friend to suicide last week, my 6 year old is having MAJOR seperation issues when I leave her at daycare, and things are absolutely NUTS at work.  Not a great combination for an emotional eater.  But, tomorrow is a new day and I will persevere this time.  1 bad day in 14 is not that shabby!
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