My Child is very HONEST
has anyone else had these bad moments before surgery?
The other day at target they had these lawn or porch chairs on sale... ive been needing a few of these husband my daughter and i were looking at them and i went to sit in one, you all know how hard it is to find a good chair that your hips or butt will fit in, well i fit fine, the problem was it was way low to the ground, so as my husband tried to help me up the chair started to move, so my husband put his foot on it and the worst happend, it slid too much the back to legs went SNAPPPPP louder then crap, most embarassing moment of my life! :o( everyone in target just stopped and starred at me as i was trying to get up off the floor, and of course i was so hurt inside but too proud of myself instincs shown threw and i loudly said, OH GUESS WE GOTTA BUY THAT ONE NOW!!!! and acted like i was fine....
well the worst happend after that, my 4 yr old daughter said loudly SEE MOMMY THATS WHY YOU NEED YOUR SURGERY YOUR TOO FAT YOU BROKE THE CHAIR!!!
and i just had it i broke down crying i wanted to run into a rabbit hole somewhere and hide! but of course i sucked it up and just walked on like nothing happend!
ALSO! why is it that my bathroom mirror HUGE as it is makes me look decent when i get dressed but low and behold if i see myself in a mirror while im out or the reflection of a store window i look a hotttt fat mess :o( its just not fair!
thats all i just wanted to rave!
on a better note my daughter was in a memorial day parade, in the 90 degree heat and i walked 3 miles up and down hill in it without any problem i was very proud of myself and all ive done to start getting into better shape before my surgery!!!!
hope everyone is having a wonderful memorial day weekend!
and sorry for the typos and bad grammer im going on 26 hours no sleep! so nighty night
The other day at target they had these lawn or porch chairs on sale... ive been needing a few of these husband my daughter and i were looking at them and i went to sit in one, you all know how hard it is to find a good chair that your hips or butt will fit in, well i fit fine, the problem was it was way low to the ground, so as my husband tried to help me up the chair started to move, so my husband put his foot on it and the worst happend, it slid too much the back to legs went SNAPPPPP louder then crap, most embarassing moment of my life! :o( everyone in target just stopped and starred at me as i was trying to get up off the floor, and of course i was so hurt inside but too proud of myself instincs shown threw and i loudly said, OH GUESS WE GOTTA BUY THAT ONE NOW!!!! and acted like i was fine....
well the worst happend after that, my 4 yr old daughter said loudly SEE MOMMY THATS WHY YOU NEED YOUR SURGERY YOUR TOO FAT YOU BROKE THE CHAIR!!!
and i just had it i broke down crying i wanted to run into a rabbit hole somewhere and hide! but of course i sucked it up and just walked on like nothing happend!
ALSO! why is it that my bathroom mirror HUGE as it is makes me look decent when i get dressed but low and behold if i see myself in a mirror while im out or the reflection of a store window i look a hotttt fat mess :o( its just not fair!
thats all i just wanted to rave!
on a better note my daughter was in a memorial day parade, in the 90 degree heat and i walked 3 miles up and down hill in it without any problem i was very proud of myself and all ive done to start getting into better shape before my surgery!!!!
hope everyone is having a wonderful memorial day weekend!
and sorry for the typos and bad grammer im going on 26 hours no sleep! so nighty night
I feel you Honey... My daughter is the reason I even started to look into surgery. One day she asked me how to stay little and not round like me............ That really hurt me, that was the day I decided I had to do something NOW! She is now very helpful and curious (she is 7) I love her so much, and I have a great support team. I hope you do too!
Sorry this happened to you! I have been there too! But take all that energy and keep channeling it to better yourself, like you did with the 3 miles.
My son never said anything real obvious, but sometimes I could see the look of disappointment in his face when he wanted me to do something that I just couldn't do at my size. Or when I get stares at the store, he would start to get embarrassed. He is such a good kid.
For me I have had a couple very embarrassing experiences. Once I was at an awards banquet accepting an award, I went up accepted it and when I got back to my seat I heard a loud snap and of the back legs of the chair had basically cracked all the way down and I about fell out of my chair. Everyone spun around to see what it was. Another time I was in the park with friends and kids and we were all taking turns on the swing, that was a mistake!!
Plus sometimes kids do say the rudest things. I was walking down the hall at work one day, when a kid coming from the opposite way walking with his mother starts snorting like a pig. When I get right next to him he says "See you later oink pink!" Then snorts a couple more times. I wanted to laugh almost because I had never been so insulted in my life and it was coming at the hands of a 6 year old, or po'd because this kid could be so disrespectful to an adult, made me wanna grab him and his mom both. My son would never say such a think to a complete stranger especially.
Anyway, hang in there! You'll get there! Just make little small changes now that will help you after surgery. First I cut from regular soda to diet, then from diet to none. From sweet tea, to diet tea. Working out once a week, to 2, to 3 times a week. All the small healthy changes you can make before surgery will only help you after surgery. I know for me after surgery, I was in alot of pain, I can't imagine getting a caffeine headache after all the other stuff I was feeling and struggling with.
My son never said anything real obvious, but sometimes I could see the look of disappointment in his face when he wanted me to do something that I just couldn't do at my size. Or when I get stares at the store, he would start to get embarrassed. He is such a good kid.
For me I have had a couple very embarrassing experiences. Once I was at an awards banquet accepting an award, I went up accepted it and when I got back to my seat I heard a loud snap and of the back legs of the chair had basically cracked all the way down and I about fell out of my chair. Everyone spun around to see what it was. Another time I was in the park with friends and kids and we were all taking turns on the swing, that was a mistake!!
Plus sometimes kids do say the rudest things. I was walking down the hall at work one day, when a kid coming from the opposite way walking with his mother starts snorting like a pig. When I get right next to him he says "See you later oink pink!" Then snorts a couple more times. I wanted to laugh almost because I had never been so insulted in my life and it was coming at the hands of a 6 year old, or po'd because this kid could be so disrespectful to an adult, made me wanna grab him and his mom both. My son would never say such a think to a complete stranger especially.
Anyway, hang in there! You'll get there! Just make little small changes now that will help you after surgery. First I cut from regular soda to diet, then from diet to none. From sweet tea, to diet tea. Working out once a week, to 2, to 3 times a week. All the small healthy changes you can make before surgery will only help you after surgery. I know for me after surgery, I was in alot of pain, I can't imagine getting a caffeine headache after all the other stuff I was feeling and struggling with.
hi Amy, I can feel your pain....I can also say that as the weight goes down,it gets better...I feel so much better now. Everyone says I smile all the time now. No one realized how much pain I was in, from knee/ankle/joint pain. I am down a little over 100 lbs,& I feel so thankful to have been able to have WLS!!!! (My mirror was made by the same co that made you mirror) ;)
Aww thanks Yall! made my DAY!
my daughter is sweet she never makes fun of over weight people, she has her moments of being scared and actually cries because she doesnt want me to get surgery ( smart little thing for only 4 yrs old btw) and other times shes happy and she knows im doing it to be able to do so much more with her!
I also have to add as sad as i am about this, i havent had a soda diet or not in over 3 months i stopped as a new year goal, and went 2 months had a soda or 2 then went from there and havent had any anymore :o) people that lose weight just stopping that suck to me because nothing has hopped off my body from that!!!!
Now im on to stop smoking... i know i know bad habit :o( im trying
i just cannot wait to get the next few months ahead of me out of sight and over with, i know surgery will be hard but i cannot wait to start a new life! already have set so many goals with my daughter and husband that i cannot wait to reach them and see my daughters face! like lastnight when Daddy got to ride carnival rides with her but mommy couldnt! :o( i want to see her happpppy with me again :o) thanks for all your support!
PS... i had a talk to my mirror today i told it i was going to start looking in the refection of a window from now on if it kept lying to me and saying i looked slimmer then i really do!
my daughter is sweet she never makes fun of over weight people, she has her moments of being scared and actually cries because she doesnt want me to get surgery ( smart little thing for only 4 yrs old btw) and other times shes happy and she knows im doing it to be able to do so much more with her!
I also have to add as sad as i am about this, i havent had a soda diet or not in over 3 months i stopped as a new year goal, and went 2 months had a soda or 2 then went from there and havent had any anymore :o) people that lose weight just stopping that suck to me because nothing has hopped off my body from that!!!!
Now im on to stop smoking... i know i know bad habit :o( im trying
i just cannot wait to get the next few months ahead of me out of sight and over with, i know surgery will be hard but i cannot wait to start a new life! already have set so many goals with my daughter and husband that i cannot wait to reach them and see my daughters face! like lastnight when Daddy got to ride carnival rides with her but mommy couldnt! :o( i want to see her happpppy with me again :o) thanks for all your support!
PS... i had a talk to my mirror today i told it i was going to start looking in the refection of a window from now on if it kept lying to me and saying i looked slimmer then i really do!
I can relate to your post. I am doing this surgery for my daughters - I want to be a good role model for them while they are young enough to get it!
My oldest, who is now 5, doesn't say much, but you know she notices. She has made a comment sometimes about how some mommies are smaller. My husband doesn't like her saying anything like that - but I just tell her that everyone is different, nad we have to appreciate them as they are.
Good luck with your surgery - I know you will do great!
My oldest, who is now 5, doesn't say much, but you know she notices. She has made a comment sometimes about how some mommies are smaller. My husband doesn't like her saying anything like that - but I just tell her that everyone is different, nad we have to appreciate them as they are.
Good luck with your surgery - I know you will do great!
Oddly enough, there was a constant string of embarassing or horrfying events that continued to happen, up until my surgery. It was almost like they were happening to reinforce my decision. Like the day of my college graduation, when my gown didin't fit, and I looked like a stuffed sausage. The day a got on a doctors scale at work at realized I could no longer weigh on it, because I exceeded the weight limit. the day I had to ask my friends to move their seat because they were sitting in a booth I couldn't fit in in, etc.... There were moments like these before too, but each time something like this happened I was more resolved that I had made the right decision. I had no doubts the day of surgery.. or now. So far this has been one of the best things I have ever done!!!!!!!!! Good luck to you!

My only regret with the surgery is that I didn't do it sooner.
My health was getting to the point where I figured I wouldn't see my then 3-year-old graduate from high school, let alone college, get married, etc.
I also didn't want to be the "fat" mom that kids ribbed her about.
Good for you with your walking. The better shape you are in going into the surgery, the easier the postop stuff will be.
My only regret with the surgery is that I didn't do it sooner.
My health was getting to the point where I figured I wouldn't see my then 3-year-old graduate from high school, let alone college, get married, etc.
I also didn't want to be the "fat" mom that kids ribbed her about.
Good for you with your walking. The better shape you are in going into the surgery, the easier the postop stuff will be.
One food makes you larger, and one food makes you small...