Who is maintaining weight loss over 5 years and what surgery did you have?
Prove me wrong! Bring on the over 50 BMIs still maintaining after 5 years that had a VSG. Because someone can maintain on Jenny Craig for 2 years if they try.
Actually, show me the RNYers too. (I do know there are some out there). Let's celebrate the over 5 year maintaining crowd of all surgery types!

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Prove me wrong! Bring on the over 50 BMIs still maintaining after 5 years that had a VSG. Because someone can maintain on Jenny Craig for 2 years if they try.
Actually, show me the RNYers too. (I do know there are some out there). Let's celebrate the over 5 year maintaining crowd of all surgery types!
on 3/27/10 8:32 am, edited 3/27/10 8:33 am
Let me get this straight: you're still pre-op, right? Have you ever had any type of WLS as of the time you posted this? If not, you really have no clue about the difference between losing weight post-VSG (or DS) versus losing weight on a conventional diet. You ended your post with seemingly insincere enthusiasm for "celebrating" 5-year maintenance, yet you've never even had WLS. Cut out the BS about this being a "positive" post for celebrating WLS maintenance. Your anti-VSG motives with this are clear; we aren't stupid.
Looks like to me that it wasn't enough for you to put down misseye on her thread that was celebrating her reaching goal, but now you're trying to stir up trouble by comparing VSG to doing Jenny Craig? Classy.
And you posted a link to this thread only on the DS board, right? 'Cause I didn't see this on the VSG board. Seems a bit biased from the get-go, dontcha think? But I think I may know at least one of the reasons why you didn't bother posting a link to this on the VSG board...
The reason why you haven't seen someone 5+ years out with a standalone VSG on a site about WLS is because the VSG is a newer surgery for WLS. And the people who had them that long ago likely had a much larger bougie at the time of their surgery, because back then it was mostly being done as the first part of a two-part procedure to the DS, so it's not even the same VSG that's being done today. But I'm sure you already know all of this, yet somehow conveniently forgot to mention that in your original post, which may be why you didn't bother including the VSG board on this thread.
Just because the VSG as it is today hasn't been around for a lot of 5+ year VSG patients to be on this site doesn't mean it's inevitable that we'll all have regained our weight back five years from now. I'm sure some people will regain at least some of their weight loss, but that's the case with ANY surgery (including the *gasp* DS).
I'm looking forward to five years from now, when those of us with the current VSG that have maintained our weight loss can finally get you naysayers to STFU. But what fun would that be for you? Aw, sad. Unfortunately, I don't have a time machine I can hop into and see what happens five years from now. Therefore, if that day never comes because all of us significantly regained and you didn't? Well, then, congrats--you'll finally have an actual excuse for your smugness (and that's putting it kindly). Either way, I think you'd do well to eat a slice of (low-carb) humble pie.
Personally, I think the DS is a great surgery choice for some people--don't get me wrong about that. I'm not about to smear the DS. But the VSG is a great choice for some people, too. And, let me assure you, I've done Jenny Craig as a pre-op, and it's nothing like the VSG. :-D
Larissa....You look like a very nice person. Your pic is very pretty. So,I do not understand the antagonistic nature of most ALL your posts that I happen to read.Even your tag line is antagonizing, & presumptive.....WHY,do you feel the need to come across as such a ***** I just dont understand it. This is at least the 2nd post you have done recently concerning this. (usually the last line say something to the effect of "Come share your success, so we can all celebrate,blah blah blah") I would be inclined to think you are actually reconsidering the whole DS, & wondering if just the standalone VSg would work for you.My advice, keep researching, but get over yourself... I am still very much a newbie, being 11 wks out from VSG surgery, BUT, I have had 0 complications, no problems, I enjoy my 1 mutli vit & calcium a day, no fills to worry about,no dumping issues,etc...I encourage you to get the surgery that you feel will best suit your needs. I also encourage you to go ahead & eat the whole pie. not just a slice. Be wild & crazy, & eat the whole dang thing. it cant hurt.
BTW, I do hope your WLS journey is everything you want it to be.
Honestly, I've never been called a ***** by anyone on these boards before - unless I try to educate people on the DS and people somehow take that as a "put down." It's not just me, it's all DSers, too. I'll never understand it.
But I will say one thing - it's the people accused of being "*****es" that lead me away from a huge mistake getting the RNY to getting the DS, and I'm am eternally grateful to them.
But I will chill, now. Promise.

Click! > DS Documents ~ VitaLady.com ~ DSFacts.com ~ OH DS FB
I agree there are not that many folks post op 5 years from the sleeve but that does not mean there is something inherently inferior about the sleeve it just means that since it is a fairly new stand alone procedure there are not that many folks YET who have been successful.
My personal problem with DS folks is not that they want to educate others about the DS that is fine. It is the fairly regular dissing of other procedures and the fairly common practice of prediciting failure for anyone who has not had the DS.
Some DS folks have been predicting my failure since I was pre-op. Yet, somehow with my "inferior" procedure I easily maintain my 135 lbs lost without dieting, counting calories etc.
The bottom line is the DS does allow folks to have higher fat content foods than perhaps some other procedures though I do fine without really watching fat content. I eat regular cheese, full fat mayo and butter. I am not a fan of bacon or milk/cream so not having that is no different from my pre-op days.
I say if you are happy with your procedure that is fantastic but there is no need to predict failure when folks, like myself and many others are clearly being successful with the sleeve
However, you should really be careful about what you say. You have not had surgery yet, and you don't know what your outcome will be. There is a very nice lady on this board that was all ready to have RNY and because of some physical problems they went in and were unable to do the surgery. She did end up getting a different surgery that will work better for her body. What if they go in and can't do the surgery for you and have to recommend the dreaded RNY or VSG?
Karma is a funny thing. Do yourself a favor and be positive, what you put out is what you get back.
Shame on you for trying to upset people that are really trying to improve their lives. Maybe you need to start improving your attitude first. Because no matter what, ugly on the inside remains even if you improve the outside.