I just don't care.....
If I let my weight loss journey consume me am I in fact still consumed with food?
At some point it should be old hat. I should be able to adapt to life not adapt the world to me. I should be able to find something adequate (not ideal) to eat anywhere. I can miss a day of my routine without feeling out of sorts. I can blend in. If I live that way now, than I won't get burnt out. If I live that way now, I will be living an average (notice I didn't say normal) life at an average BMI. Plan your day and then go with the flow. Most of all, keep your sense of humor. For a few laughs read the early entries in my profile. LOL Loris
At some point it should be old hat. I should be able to adapt to life not adapt the world to me. I should be able to find something adequate (not ideal) to eat anywhere. I can miss a day of my routine without feeling out of sorts. I can blend in. If I live that way now, than I won't get burnt out. If I live that way now, I will be living an average (notice I didn't say normal) life at an average BMI. Plan your day and then go with the flow. Most of all, keep your sense of humor. For a few laughs read the early entries in my profile. LOL Loris
Loris 344/119@ 5'2" Below Goal
Lower body lift 10/17/2007
Upper body lift 1/23/2008
We've all been where you are. Sometimes when we are low on motivation we have to step up to the plate (not the dinner plate LOL) and be high on "guts".
Others may not have this problem, but my "vacations" from compliance tend to be way way way longer than a day or two. We have to know ourselves.
I guess you might say - if I run out of steam I have to build a fire under me. Remember, play is as important as work - but play doesn't HAVE to be food.
And, where does it say we have to WANT to do what we HAVE to do? Sure, it would be great if we did and a lot of the time we do - but we didn't get fat doing what we HAD to do. We got fat doing what we WANTED to do. So, for me - don't know how it is for others - some days I have to be the "Nike girl" - Just Do It.
You're doing one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself - reaching out.
I wish you well
Others may not have this problem, but my "vacations" from compliance tend to be way way way longer than a day or two. We have to know ourselves.
I guess you might say - if I run out of steam I have to build a fire under me. Remember, play is as important as work - but play doesn't HAVE to be food.
And, where does it say we have to WANT to do what we HAVE to do? Sure, it would be great if we did and a lot of the time we do - but we didn't get fat doing what we HAD to do. We got fat doing what we WANTED to do. So, for me - don't know how it is for others - some days I have to be the "Nike girl" - Just Do It.
You're doing one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself - reaching out.
I wish you well

Thanks Happy...the most successful people are able to dust off and hop right back on the wagon right a way and don't agonize about it. I am learning slooooowly.....and Just DOing It! I will not worry about the past or the future. What can I do NOW, this moment? Thanks for reaching back.
Actualy Free most people (I would even go so far as to say ALL people) do agonize over it. The trap is "voting" whether or not you WANT to do it. You don't get up and "vote" whether or not you want to go to work. It really doesn't make any difference whether you WANT to or not - you just do it. Some days it's easy and somedays it isn't.
Same way with compliance - "voting" is a trap.
Remember feelings are like a math problem Take WHAT YOU ARE THINKING add to that WHAT YOU ARE DOING and the sum of the two is WHAT YOU ARE FEELING. Now, being human, we say "Well, I'll think differently and do differently when I feel differently" My favorite fun definition of insanity (I think it originated with Albert Einstein) is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So keep thinking and doing the same thing and you will get the same results.
Where you start down your slippery slope is believing/telling yourself you are different - no one ever has had it as hard as you have it getting back/staying on track. Sorry, but that's just a big old bald faced lie. But it lets you justify not doing it.. Every one of us struggles and, sure every one of us is imperfect, but we hang in there, tolerate the discomfort and get back on. There's no reason (only excuses) why you cant.
No one can do it for you. Now one has a magic wand. No one can tell you how to make yourself WANT to do it every minute of every day of every year. That's your responsibility. We'd all like to have someone else do it for us - but the truth is that we are the only ones who can do it for ourselves.
Work with your thinking. Our problem is .01% physical and 99.99% emotional/mental. Sounds as though a few sessions with a professional would be of great help to you. But the most important thing is for you to quit lying to yourself. YOU CAN DO IT and IT IS NO HARDER FOR YOU TO DO IT THAN IT IS/HAS BEEN FOR ANY OF US. Give us the lie that there is an easy way for everyone except you. You are no different that any of the rest of us.
I believe in you - won't you please join me in believing in yourself. I don't want to sound like the Wicked Witch of the West - but there are some realities we all must face sooner or later if we are to achieve our goals. Remember - this quest we are all on is FOREVER - not just when we feel comfortable. Just know you are going to have uncomfortable times and the better you clean up "stinkin' thinkin'" the fewere uncomfortable times you will have.
Same way with compliance - "voting" is a trap.
Remember feelings are like a math problem Take WHAT YOU ARE THINKING add to that WHAT YOU ARE DOING and the sum of the two is WHAT YOU ARE FEELING. Now, being human, we say "Well, I'll think differently and do differently when I feel differently" My favorite fun definition of insanity (I think it originated with Albert Einstein) is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So keep thinking and doing the same thing and you will get the same results.
Where you start down your slippery slope is believing/telling yourself you are different - no one ever has had it as hard as you have it getting back/staying on track. Sorry, but that's just a big old bald faced lie. But it lets you justify not doing it.. Every one of us struggles and, sure every one of us is imperfect, but we hang in there, tolerate the discomfort and get back on. There's no reason (only excuses) why you cant.
No one can do it for you. Now one has a magic wand. No one can tell you how to make yourself WANT to do it every minute of every day of every year. That's your responsibility. We'd all like to have someone else do it for us - but the truth is that we are the only ones who can do it for ourselves.
Work with your thinking. Our problem is .01% physical and 99.99% emotional/mental. Sounds as though a few sessions with a professional would be of great help to you. But the most important thing is for you to quit lying to yourself. YOU CAN DO IT and IT IS NO HARDER FOR YOU TO DO IT THAN IT IS/HAS BEEN FOR ANY OF US. Give us the lie that there is an easy way for everyone except you. You are no different that any of the rest of us.
I believe in you - won't you please join me in believing in yourself. I don't want to sound like the Wicked Witch of the West - but there are some realities we all must face sooner or later if we are to achieve our goals. Remember - this quest we are all on is FOREVER - not just when we feel comfortable. Just know you are going to have uncomfortable times and the better you clean up "stinkin' thinkin'" the fewere uncomfortable times you will have.