sitting? X=posted
Hi all, I wanted to get anyones opinion on this. I started @ 383. I am down to 328. Heres the thing...It KILLS my behind to sit in my chair at work, in my truck, & in MY FAVORITE RECLINER at home. WTF? If I sit longer than 30 min, it starts aching.
We live 20 mi from work, & the drive home is painful. About 1/2 way there, my butt starts hurting. Kinda high up, in then back. I have to keep "shifting". My chair at work, well, I just get up & go walk around, to ease the pain. I would not think I have lost enough to have this pain. Anyone else have this, this early out? Will pillows in the chair help? (the worst part, if I have to sit n the truck for more than 1 hr or so, when I finally get out, for a minute or so, it is excrutiating. Anyone?
We live 20 mi from work, & the drive home is painful. About 1/2 way there, my butt starts hurting. Kinda high up, in then back. I have to keep "shifting". My chair at work, well, I just get up & go walk around, to ease the pain. I would not think I have lost enough to have this pain. Anyone else have this, this early out? Will pillows in the chair help? (the worst part, if I have to sit n the truck for more than 1 hr or so, when I finally get out, for a minute or so, it is excrutiating. Anyone?
We're very similar in our weights... I started at 380 and this morning was 301.2. I'm having major issues with sitting as well... my work chair, my home computer chair, long car rides, etc. I feel it in my ass as well as my lower back. I have no advice other than to maybe get some kind of padding to sit on? I hope this is something we adjust to over time.
I literally went feet over head and cracked my tailbone when I was 13, so I've always had similar issues once in a while.
And the weight loss has triggered it several times with my weight loss so far.
However, one good thing that I can say about stalls (for me) is that my fat seems to redistribute itself to my bum, so it will go away for a little bit.
Hang in there! It supposedly goes away in the long term.
One food makes you larger, and one food makes you small...