Need help seeing the glass half full...
Second, I was having one of these days too. Felt very fat, frumpy, discouraged, etc. I spent most of the day working at my computer in my pj's. I'm going to my support group tonight, so finally put some makeup and real clothes on and I feel 100x's better. I'm going to remind myself when I'm feeling ucky to take a few extra steps to care for myself and see if that helps. It sure did tonight.
Hang in there... hope tomorrow is a better day.
Anyway, your, it rang true from beginning to the end. Especially the part about overcompensating. You verbalized a lot of what I was feeling, and I can't tell you how much that means to me. Thank you.
I've learned that starting at the weight we started at isnt like what the "lightweights" go thru.
I've lost 161 pounds, and beleive it or not, just the other day, someone said, "you've lost alot of weight"...I was like "ya think?" really? LOL...only took ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE POUNDS for you to notice????? I watch those commericals for Jenny Craig (I think) with Valerie Bertinelli...losing 40lbs and the difference in her was really noticable. It's not like that for us. Only at 100lbs did anyone say to me "are you losing weight?" But I didnt get mad at them really, because it took a long time for me to see the loss as well.
But even at 161lbs gone..I still look in the mirror and see the negative..just like patty said...saggy skin, scraggley hair, bat wings..etc. And just like she said...I'm proud of myself for being fat now...not CIRCUS fat, as she put it (which by the way, made me laugh out loud)
Its all a process...we all have those days. Keep the big picture in mind. You're doing GREAT!!!
I'm really proud of your 161 lbs loss! It is such an awesome accomplishment.

14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey. I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.
My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once. I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.