BMI over 75
Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)
Regardless of the surgery you have, I strongly suggest food and exercise journaling and strict compliance with your surgeon's protocal. Making a full commitment to your success is vital. I bought a commerical grade exercise bike in order to get the exercise in. I started small--just 5 min.--but kept at it. I still food journal whenever I feel like I am getting sloppy with my eating.
There are a few foods I still can't eat--breads, rice, pasta, etc. but otherwise, I can do most things. But I still have to do them in moderation. Like any "normal" person.
You might want to look into the book "Winning after Losing" by Stacie Halpern. She started out at over 500 lbs. It is more about maintaining the weight loss than the actual losing, but that is the real battle in the long run.
Best of luck.
However, I hope you do get responses, because there are many folks on here with higher BMI's than mine. All the best of luck to you - we all struggle.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
greetings jacob
i'm 5 years out from an open rny. i started with a bmi of 66 and a weight of 463. currently, my weight is 165 and my bmi is 23.
a lot has changed! i viewed WLS as a way to "level the field" again, so i could start over and do things right this time. now i eat much much less of course, but i also try to eat more healthily. in my old life, the only way i ate fruit was in a pie! now i focus on protein of course, but i eat fruits and vegetables too. i very rarely eat bread. i don't go to fast food places. i don't eat french fries anymore. i haven't had a carbonated beverage in 5 years.
i'm not saying that i never have a cookie - cause i DO have an occasional cookie (or some other sweet treat). i don't feel deprived. but i don't buy a box of cookies and go home and eat the whole box in one sitting anymore, like i used to do.
i've also added some exercise into my life. i have a beagle that loves to walk, so he and i have walked miles and miles around our city. we both enjoy it. and i have some weights i picked up at walmart that i use for upper body strengthening.
having WLS isn't a majic button that gets pushed (although in the beginning it did almost feel that way when the lbs were coming off fast and i felt like i was melting!). but in reality, the surgery is a tool that needs to be used properly to be successful. i needed to re-think my relationship with food. before, i used to food to celebrate, to mourn, to fill boredom...whatever - food was my constant companion. now i really try to view food as the fuel my body requires.
it's not been an easy journey to lose 298 lbs. but it has SO been worth the effort.
all the best to you!
I agree with the last poster. The RNY I had definitely changed my life. I think i'm still in the "melting" phase because taking off weight has never been this easy. I have changed the way I eat and I make sure I move my body as much as possible. I go to the gym, although I need to be there more, but I walk my little boston terrier, i clean the house without needing to rest. In fact, when i think about it the only time i'm sitting down is when i'm at work or sleeping. Life is so much more fun and enjoyable now. i feel like a normal person, even though I still have quite a way to go. I have stopped thinking about how far there is to go and celebrate what is gone and what is the newest thing i can do now that i could never do before.
I feel so great!!! I think being successful is having the motivation to keep moving towards my goal. It is so much easier to stay on track when you can SEE the changes, it is very encouraging.
Depending on how it is calculated, I started with a BMI between 77-83. I have to say that for me, it has really required a lot of restriction to lose what I did pre-surgery and now it is enforced restriction. I started doing low-carb protein shakes to replace meals.
Good luck!

♪ ♫ ♪ lost 75 pre-op, surgery 1/20/10, 125+ since RNY, 200+ pounds off ♪ ♫ ♪
Next I assembled my "team" of supporters. We're volunteering to be part of YOUR team. Nice people on this board. I told people at work and my friends and announced my intention to have surgery on Facebook. These folks encouraged me when I had to lose weight pre op in order for insurance to pay.
I saw a counselor to deal with my emotional issues. I had a supportive primary physician who let me come in and weigh in her office every 2 weeks. She made me weigh in with someone watching and recording it;. I was accountable to her. She told me I couldn't continue cancelling my appointments when I gained weight .She called my bluff. She prescribed anti-depressants for me and they helped some.
I am not able to walk very far due to arthritis, but I can ride a recumbent bike. I used one at a healthcare place for a few months and I finally bought one. I also took a chair yoga class to learn about relaxing and stretching.
I changed my environment by cleaning up my piles of junk and buying some essential oils for aromatherapy.
What you do is systematically clean up your life and make one change at a time and believe in yourself. You honor your body and believe in your abilty to change. The big thing I learned in psych nursing is: "IF YOU DO WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS DONE, YOU GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT."
So just start small and make a few changes and this will make you feel better and you can make another change. Eventually the downward spiral we were all on gets turned around and we start the nice UPWARD spiral. It takes a while and there will be many setbacks. GOOD LUCK.