Introducing Myself
Congratulations on making the choice to have the surgery and get healthy. I'm sure you will do fine. The surgery was a wonderful thing for me--went from 398 to 158 (now hover around 165 qand 170). You will be able to do things, everyday things, that other people take for granted. Just follow your doctor's protocol. I found keeping a food/exercise journal very helpful.
Good luck
Good luck
Welcome Bec to the BMI over 50 club!!! Congrats on the upcoming RNY...the pre-op diet isn't so bad after you're a few days into it (although I must admit I'll never look at a cucumber the same way ever again!!! LOL)) And NO, the moderators will "Kick You Out" for talking too much or asking questions...that's why this forum is here for us to ask, learn and help each other!!
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!!!
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!!!
Minute By Minute and Hour After Hour
As The Days Go By, I'm Working My Way Back
To A Brand New Me!
As The Days Go By, I'm Working My Way Back
To A Brand New Me!