weight loss 6 months after RNY
Can anyone tell me how much they were lossing weekly or monthly 6 months after surgery? Last month it was 8lbs in 5 weeks. I just weighed myself today and I'm up 2 lbs. I don't know if it's water weight, this time or last.
Can you help me?
I find my menstrual cycle messes with my losing. It's funny because I got an Mirena IUD 3 months before my surgery. I don't actually have a period every month, but I always retain water at that time of the month.
Good luck!

At 6 months out and having lost almost 100 pounds, I think you are doing amazing! But if you find you are slowing down, is it possible you could be letting some of your tight controls lax? I am not saying you are but since you are asking for help I just felt I would mention a few things. It is up to all of us to do are own soul searching and be honest with ourselves. Are you getting in all your vitamins and other supplements still? Are you drinking all your water? (The best way to bea****er retention is drink more water so your body will let go of it.) Do you get in all your protein every day? Are you still logging your food every day? Are you sure that 3 ounce portion is really 3 ounces or has it started to get a little larger? I do not weigh my portions every day, but over time "measuring with my eyes" the portions get a littler larger and I know my calorie counts are off a bit. I have to go back to weighing and measuring portions every so often to keep reminding myself what accurate portions really look like. Are you getting in some form of exersice most days of the week? Also if you have been doing the same form of exercise, your muscles actually get used to it and your body becomes efficient at it and actually burns less calories over time with the same exercise. That is why it is good to shake things up and do different things. For example, right now I am walking and doing light dumbells on alternate days. After the winter, I hope to be able to join the gym I used to go to years before where I did water aerobics and weight machines. Just some thoughts. You may be still following all your doctors guidelines perfectly. It may be a slight stall you are getting in or an inevitable slow down. I know we all want to lose the weight immediately and it is hard to be patient and wait for it. I just got out of a 3 week stall and it was torture. All of a sudden, with no explaination I can pinpoint, I just started to drop like crazy this last week again. But I will only be 7 weeks out tomorow and I have been following my docs rules 100% so our bodies are just going to do what they want to do. We just have to be diligent and trust the process.
Also, everyone loses differently. I think you would drive yourself crazy trying to compare month to month weight loss with other people. You had RNY, I had VSG, others have Lap Band or DS here. And even 2 people with the same surgery are going to lose different amounts. It is not just the calorie intake,but amount of exercise, foods eaten, pre or post menopause, age, starting weight etc etc. As long as you know you are doing what you are suppossed, you will lose eventually. I feel the biggest determination of success is being honest with yourself and adjusting your actions accordingly.
Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.
HW 491, BMI 70.4 *** SW 444, BMI 63.7 *** CW 364, BMI 52.5