Observations: Parts of me zig while the rest is zagging
Sigh. My better health, extra energy and the ability to do so many more things is great and worth it all. But I think within a couple more months I'm going to have to be squeezing myself into a full body wet suit-like shaper just to protect people in close proximity from getting whacked with my extra skin.
When I take a bath (which is amazing that i can do that in itself -- couldn't do it when I started) my panni floats to the surface, just like oil on water. It's very fluid.
I'm so glad I have BMI >50 to share these awful but true things.
It's amazing what putting on all that extra weight can do to your body. And with my loss, I'm starting so see more and more of it -- like when the tide's real low and old shipwrecks start sticking out of the mud.
I'm so glad I have a sense of humor to deal with it.
Take care everybody!!
Thanks for the laugh this morning!! I can so totally relate.
Sometimes, I get naked, get in the full length mirror and do the twist!!..just to see it swing. It's quite comical. And althought spanx are going to become a wardrobe staple, its all worth it when I fit behind the steering wheel, in a rest. booth, when my partner can get her arms alllll the way around me, when I can clean the house and not have to take so many breaks, walk a mile.....the list goes on.
You're so right about what extra weight does to a body. I just never realized. Yesterday I was absent-mindedly feeling my forearm. Did you know you have a bone there? Amazing, huh?
I had this ugly black looking lesion on my back, but I couldn't GET to it to really see it. I felt like a woman encased in a fat suit, only it wasn't a suit. Fortunately I have a good doctor and she looked at it for me and told me to quit obsessing. It's something benign.
April, I can tell I'm BEGINNING to lose weight because I can feel ankle bones. I find bones to be fascinating too. How cool.
I once taught 2 yr olds Vacation Bible school in the evening. They were too young to be separated from their parents; it was past their bedtime. We were all frazzled. One little girl comforted herself by rubbing the hair stubble on my unshaven legs as I read them a story. Fat slapping, leg stubble, anything to entertain a small child. :)
I know what you mean Patti--when I shower in the morning, I hear noise from the fat flapping which serves to wake me up in the morning and that is before coffee.
Keep your sense of humor--I know some days that saves me too.
RNY Surgery Date: 7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI
And talking about bones emerging--all of a sudden I'm continually nicking the front of my shin when shaving cuz now there's actually a shinbone uncovered from years of helpful padding, ha! Definitely tricky shaving the loose-skin fatsuit that covers my thighs now! I was delighted to feel and see the emerging collarbone that's just started to show! These changes are bad in a very good way, I guess!
~Linda in S FL
(who successfully survived her 1st post-op Halloween!
and love will see you through." R. Hunter
But its all worth the better health.