Hello, new to this board and STALLED, 10 months out
Hello all,
My name is Jeanine, I am 39 years old, married to a great man for the last 6 years, tho we have been together now for 10 total. I had RNY surgery Nov. 19th 2009. I started at 433 pounds, lost 23 pounds on the preliquid diet then got it all back thru the liquids they fed me in IV s at the hospital, needless to say my forst weigh in at the docs was not as much fun as i had hoped it would be LOL. The next 6 months however went great, I followed all the rules and saw the scale move almost everyday, well once i could weigh at home and was below 400 pounds at least LOL. I hit 100 pounds lost 2 days before my 6 month surgery date I was so thrilled!!
Then the bottom fell out my hormones as well as the scale seemed to turn against me. I have bee stuck at 319 for almost 3 months now and on the week of my period that usually goes up 5 pounds but right off after its over. I told myself NOT to panic not to be like all the people i read about before i had surgery, i swore I would never complain about only 100 pounds lol but here I am. I have uppped my calories, upped my excercise, upped the protien, done the pouch test, gone on all liquids, stayed away from the scale and just measured and yes i have lost inches in this time but even that seems to be slowing down now. So now im in full blown panic mode!!
I have been posting on my state boards and like many i read here have said most of the are light weights and only had 100 pounds to loose so have no ideas on what i should do next. I am so afraid I wont loose anymore. I am usually a very upbeatperson the one everyone else calls for help and a pick me up but now im the one faking the smiles. I hate this feeling of failure, of being lost and no where to turn. I beg all of you wise people for any advice you might have or critsim let me have it ill do ANYTHING to get that nasty scale to move and at least get below 300!! Thank you all so much for letting me whine, I am sorry you had to hear it but pray someone will have a fresh idea!! I am so thrilled to have found this page I dont say any weight loss is easy from 10 pounds on up but it does seem to be a whole new kettle of fish when you have more than the usual 100 pounds to loose!!
I don't really believe in the pouch test myself, as my body rebels if I cut out the carbs to zero like that. What works for me is to track my calories (I used to use sparkpeople.com but now I use gowearfit.com because I bought a GoWear armband, similar to the Body Bugg) and to keep my ratios to 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat. Most of the carbs I get are from dairy, vegetables, and fruit, but I do have the occasional piece of bread or little bit of rice. I also aim to keep my calories between 1200 and 1500. At one point when I stalled my surgeon said it was because I wasn't eating enough -- of course I told her she was the first doctor to EVER tell me that! :) I also find that changing up my exercise helps, so I try to vary it between different activities.
You are most definitely not a failure, and your stall will break, but OMG, I know it doesn't feel that way now. I stalled for about 6 weeks when I was around 10 months out too, and it was so disheartening. Hey, I think that anyone who goes from 400+ into the 200's is already an amazing success story already, but that's just my opinion!
Hello Ladies!!!
Thank you for your replies!!
Chevy I am excited for you hun and i know you will have great sucess hang in there the ride of your life is coming!!!
Miss Lesly, Thank you so much for your reply!! I know I will get thru this yet just some days the doubts seem to sneak in more than others LOL!! Today I am feeling better, Mr Randy and you have reminded me why I had this surgery and how lucky I am to be 10 months out and healthier than I have been in a long while!! As they say this to shall pass!! I am heading over to check out those web addresses you posted, thank you ever so much for the lift today!!
I think Im gonna like it here!!
hope you all have a great day!!!
I haven't been posting here as much as I should because I've been busy, but I'm going to make a it a point to post every day now. We can all support one another and we WILL get there!