possible gallbladder problem
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/09 3:37 pm - Chillicothe, OH
on 5/9/09 3:37 pm - Chillicothe, OH
hi everybody. i weight approx. 470 lbs. i've been having pains on my right upper stomach/side. they're not excruciating but they do hurt. well i went to my doctor she sent me to have an ultra sound. I was too big for the friggin thing. They couldnt see my gallbladder cause of where i carry all my weight. well my doctor said the weight limit for the cat scan is 450, same for the nuclear scan. Finally my stomach quit hurting and my doctor just dismissed it to an urinary tract infection. yeah right. well now the pains are back. My doctor has no idea what to do with me. Can anybody here help me! I'm desperate. also if i have to have it out, they're gonna have to do it open....am i lookin at alot of pain? i'm scared to death. thanks.
i had mine removed at time of surgery.. an havent had that "pain" since.. i know it all to well never knew what the heck was causing it till i had my pre-op testing an had a great patient ultrasound tech.. he had me turn on my side an on my back all which a way.. but got really good images.. an found i had tons of gallstones.. i cant tell u what kinda pain u will have from just removal of gall bladder but i had my RNY/gallbladder removal open an wasnt as bad as i thought it was gona be pain wise.. good luck an positive thoughts ur way..
My advice is to find a different Ultra sound tech. I am slightly smaller than you and am having surgery in 4 days to get my gallbladder removed. I had several bouts of abdominal pain in the last 6 months so by doctor sent me in for an ultrasound. Like the previous post, i was turned on my side, my back several different ways until a good image was recieved. They found multiple stones and i am now going for surgery. I am having it done Laparoscopically not open, it can be done this way on people our size. The recovery time for scope is approx 10 days give or take and if they have to do it open (which sometimes they do, due to difficulties) then the recovery time is much longer and up to 6 weeks. If you have a good surgeon they will try their hardest to accomplish the surgery by scope. It is rare to have it done open anymore. Good luck in your ventures!
I had mine out back in 1995. It felt like I was having a stinking heart attack and my stomach was out so far that I looked like I was pregnant with twins. Is there another hospital that you can go to? There is such thing called an open MRI that can accomadate people like us(I was about 325 at the time).
Also, as another person said, try to get it done laproscopicly. And, yes it can be done on people with weight issues. The healing process is faster and easier on you.
Also, as another person said, try to get it done laproscopicly. And, yes it can be done on people with weight issues. The healing process is faster and easier on you.
(deactivated member)
on 5/12/09 1:13 pm - Chillicothe, OH
on 5/12/09 1:13 pm - Chillicothe, OH
hi ladies. thanks for the replies. My doctor has mentioned sending me an hour away to a surgeon. but she has said that the open mri only holds someone who weighs 450. Do any of you know if this is true. I'm so scared. Did any of you have bowel issues with your gallbladder? I'm having a rough go of it. :( Thanks again for your replies.
First off do you have pain after eating? especially fatty/greasy foods?
I too had my Gallbladder removed. I had intermittent pain for a year. They kept giving me antacids. Finally I got a good doctor who thought to send me for an ultrasound. tha was on a Monday by Wednesday I was having a surgical consult and on Friday I had the surgery.
I had it lap. but wished after that I had it the other way. The scar would have been longer but I would have had less pain and healed faster.
You could go on a modified diet for a few day - week and then go back to a regular diet and fatty foods. Your food journal along with keeping tabs of the pain throughout the day (1-10 scale) could be used instead to confirm the problem.
I too had my Gallbladder removed. I had intermittent pain for a year. They kept giving me antacids. Finally I got a good doctor who thought to send me for an ultrasound. tha was on a Monday by Wednesday I was having a surgical consult and on Friday I had the surgery.
I had it lap. but wished after that I had it the other way. The scar would have been longer but I would have had less pain and healed faster.
You could go on a modified diet for a few day - week and then go back to a regular diet and fatty foods. Your food journal along with keeping tabs of the pain throughout the day (1-10 scale) could be used instead to confirm the problem.