Today is my 11 months anniversay.... I have come a long way from where I was a year ago!! I have lost just over 150# as of this morning!!! My official weigh in this morning was 193.2#
I don't ever remember being below 200. I know when I met my hubby back in 1998 I was around 220#, and that was after dieting for months from a high of 280# back in 1997. I am so glad that I finally had the courage to get this surgery done. I had thought about it for a long time, but was pretty much a big chicken.
I am often asked by others if I have any regrets about this surgery... my only answer is: YES... THAT I DIDN'T HAVE IT 10 YEARS AGO!!! I feel like I missed some of my life, being as big as I was. I was active, and traveled, but with limitations. I can't even begin to count the number of times I felt embarrased about being to large to do something. Like sitting comfortably in a booth, airplane seat, or amusement park ride. I have so much more life to live now!!!
I have come to realize that I will not get to my goal of 170# by my year anniversary. I know I should be greatful for the loss I have had so far, and I am. I just can't help but wonder, if I had exercised a little more, eaten a few bites less, taken in more protein or water, would I have been able to get to my goal. I guess you can't look back to often. I will keep going forward.. knowing I can get to my goal of 170, even if it is a little longer than a year out!! After all, I know there is no way in hell I would have lost 150 pounds by myself!!!
1 more month to go til my year!!!!