Ya want the good or BAD today?
Well there is GOOD and Bad today.. which if not both it will be...
There is NO complication with the staples of my bypass. But it looks I have a herniation in my small intestine. Seeing the surgeon to fix it pretty quick. I am requesting they fix it the same time they do my knee replacement surgery. I do not do well with anesthesia.
Well they know why I have been so exhausted for a while now. I found out 2 days ago and still can not stop crying every time I think about it. I have had a few tests now. And on the 17Th I am having a angiogram on my heart. Possible stunts in my heart or a possible heart bypass. I have a blockages in my heart. That is why I have been so tired, dizzy, nauseated, and the wonderful passing out. Yea I am being sarcastic. Had to call an ambulance a couple weeks ago.
Well CRAP has always fallen, my direction why should it be any different now that I am trying so hard to be healthy. Yea, I also get to deal with all this crap by myself as well. Just ******g wonderful.
I am so sorry to hear about all your trouble.
You keep trying hard to be healthy. Thank God, you weigh so much less now and the surgeries aren't as big of a risk that they once would have been.
We do alot to our bodies carrying around all this weight.
You've been dealing with a lot alone, but you're not really alone, You have US!
One day at a time!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.