Denial: It ain't just a river in Egypt
Only when people like you stop coming out of the gate spewing lies, which is exactly what you did. We tried to correct you nicely, and you continued, so we jumped. Sorry if the mass of DSers don't tolerate lies. So, that being said, we only attack dumbasses. All others who know enough NOT to make uneducated assumptions are welcome to come and ask questions.
Truth is, there are many who followed their surgeons instructions to a T and still did not see the results they were promised. They simply didn't think it through to match a procedure up with their reason for being obese. This is the quintessential most important step, because we are obese for different reasons.
That being said, I double-dog dare you to give that "you failed yourself" speech to the revisions board and see how many agree with you.
Truth is, there are many who followed their surgeons instructions to a T and still did not see the results they were promised. They simply didn't think it through to match a procedure up with their reason for being obese. This is the quintessential most important step, because we are obese for different reasons.
That being said, I double-dog dare you to give that "you failed yourself" speech to the revisions board and see how many agree with you.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Funny, some of my favorite OHers are DSers (Diana being one of them), who have treated me with nothing but respect and acceptance - and I had the RNY. They have never once ridiculed me or my surgery choice. Of course, they want to spread the word of the DS, since it is not as widely known as the RNY and LapBand - but they only want pre-ops to be able to make informed choices. They certainly realize that there are a multitude of reasons why the DS isn't right for everyone, and would never dream of forcing it down anyone's throat. The only time DSers address post-ops regarding the DS is in regards to revision, which, sadly, is more frequent than I'd care to consider.
You know, I've followed some of your posts in the hope that at some point your logic would make sense. Unfortunately, that's not happened.
Whether or not anyone with a DS "treats people with descency (sic) and respect", as an intelligent human being, I would think you would make your choice about your surgery based on data, and information. "Meaningless stats"? That alone shows that your choice is being made on emotions, not intelligence.
Step away from this, take a breath, remove your emotions and use your brain. Until you do, you're only going to appear unbalanced and out of control. Even if you don't change your mind about your surgery (and frankly, Scarlett.... ), in order to sound credible, you need to apply intellect, not snarky comments about racism, etc. That's just lame.
Whether or not anyone with a DS "treats people with descency (sic) and respect", as an intelligent human being, I would think you would make your choice about your surgery based on data, and information. "Meaningless stats"? That alone shows that your choice is being made on emotions, not intelligence.
Step away from this, take a breath, remove your emotions and use your brain. Until you do, you're only going to appear unbalanced and out of control. Even if you don't change your mind about your surgery (and frankly, Scarlett.... ), in order to sound credible, you need to apply intellect, not snarky comments about racism, etc. That's just lame.
"You can make a life, or you can make excuses, but you can't do both."
Considering weight loss surgery? Check out the DS first!!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 2/9/09 8:33 am, edited 2/9/09 8:34 am
on 2/9/09 8:33 am, edited 2/9/09 8:34 am
On February 7, 2009 at 11:42 PM Pacific Time, maxs_mom wrote:
You're right, denial isn't just a river in Egypt. However, like the river, it has two sides (or banks to continue the analogy). Most OH DS'ers talk a lot obout their lack of food restriion and weight loss. However, we hear very little about complitctions snd risks assocaited with this prodedure, both pre-op and post-op. Surely there must be a few and in order to provide full disclosure, those things should be presented, too. For example, while a DS post-op may be able to eat 3.000 calories post-op and maintain without exercise, what are the health risks assicated with contnuing to make less than perfecr food choices and not exercising? Flatulence is an issee I've seen addressed in every DS fact sheet I've read. Shouldn't pre-ops know about that those things to? Quality of life and healthy living are as important than numbers on a scale. Additionally, when some DS'ers denigrate and humiliate non DS'ers who have made decisions to pursue a differnt WLS based upon their own needs, both physical and psychological, in conjunction with a qualified bariatric surgeion, the last thing coming out of anyone's mouth should be the sentiments that the person is ignorant and doomed to failure. I don't have any issue with those that chose a different surgery; I most definietly have a problem when some choose to belittle and wish ill-will towards fellow WLS members.
Can you abuse the VSG and not succeed? Of Course - just as you can with other WLS procedures. Regardless of WLS procedure, maintenance is difficult. I woul think it's more difficult fo those who chose not to make a lifestyle change in terms of exercise, diet, and possible professional help to deal with fod issues which are commonly related to emotional issues.
Furgermore The EWL% sucess rate fo DS (per LAPSF) is about 80% - so if I chose DS, and lost the optimum amout of weight, and 80%e excess weight loss for me would leave me sitting at a weight of 210 pounds which is still considered obese. An indivdual's personlal success, in terms the of the number on the scal or BMI on the chart, is very much tied to their compliance to their surgeons post-op dietray and exercise guidelines. Unfortunately, the types of statistics abiove do not provide informatiomn regarding diet and activity; only the number on the scale. Her's a link to LPSF's weight loss surgery comparison chart: .
As I have said repeatly over the course of the past 3 months, I wish everyone who chooses surgery success and believe that their success is mostly dependent on their compliance and attitude. I try not to steer a pre-op to believe that any surgery is a magic bullet and I will encourage them to reasearch all avaiallble options and make the decision that is best for them. I will not abide, however, with certain populations of the WLS community *****sort to bullying others and presenting only half truths; e.g. those who fail to provide the goodmthe bad, and the ugly. Lay it all out on the table, the pros and cons, and allow a person to deide based upon the anecdotal and medical information provided.
I'm going to address you, since I don't think you mean to spread misinformation, whereas "value me" on the other hand, I have seen act like an irrational lunatic in other threads, and throw out the race card when she had nothing intelligent to contribute, and not worth the time.
I really take issue when I hear "Most OH DS'ers talk a lot about their lack of food restriction", the 3000 calories /day, and that we don't exercise. Of course there are variances in the DSer's, but my stomach is a sleeve, just like yours. My calorie intake is STILL less than a normal non WLS person my sex/age, and that most of us don't exercise is just more of the same BS.
I DO think it's important to everyone to study the surgeries and the differences (both good and bad), and anything we can put out there to help people accomplish that is good, but spreading old wives tales and rumors is not OK.
Can you abuse the VSG and not succeed? Of Course - just as you can with other WLS procedures. Regardless of WLS procedure, maintenance is difficult. I woul think it's more difficult fo those who chose not to make a lifestyle change in terms of exercise, diet, and possible professional help to deal with fod issues which are commonly related to emotional issues.
Furgermore The EWL% sucess rate fo DS (per LAPSF) is about 80% - so if I chose DS, and lost the optimum amout of weight, and 80%e excess weight loss for me would leave me sitting at a weight of 210 pounds which is still considered obese. An indivdual's personlal success, in terms the of the number on the scal or BMI on the chart, is very much tied to their compliance to their surgeons post-op dietray and exercise guidelines. Unfortunately, the types of statistics abiove do not provide informatiomn regarding diet and activity; only the number on the scale. Her's a link to LPSF's weight loss surgery comparison chart: .
As I have said repeatly over the course of the past 3 months, I wish everyone who chooses surgery success and believe that their success is mostly dependent on their compliance and attitude. I try not to steer a pre-op to believe that any surgery is a magic bullet and I will encourage them to reasearch all avaiallble options and make the decision that is best for them. I will not abide, however, with certain populations of the WLS community *****sort to bullying others and presenting only half truths; e.g. those who fail to provide the goodmthe bad, and the ugly. Lay it all out on the table, the pros and cons, and allow a person to deide based upon the anecdotal and medical information provided.

I really take issue when I hear "Most OH DS'ers talk a lot about their lack of food restriction", the 3000 calories /day, and that we don't exercise. Of course there are variances in the DSer's, but my stomach is a sleeve, just like yours. My calorie intake is STILL less than a normal non WLS person my sex/age, and that most of us don't exercise is just more of the same BS.
I DO think it's important to everyone to study the surgeries and the differences (both good and bad), and anything we can put out there to help people accomplish that is good, but spreading old wives tales and rumors is not OK.
Glad you found this--I remember watching this in December. I just couldn't find it again in the last few days during all of this flurry of VSG misinformation flying about, especially those using this doc's name!
I understand why people want a restiction-only surgery to work so badly. "Malabsorption" sounds scary. But it doesn't mean "malnutrition."
When I talked with Dr. Rabkin the day before my DS, I said " I'm afraid of malnutrition. Now that you know me and how much I work out, how healthy I am (all my labs and tests were in front of him and I had met him monthly for 14 months) and how dedicated I am to making these changes in my life, what if I just got the VSG?."
He said with a smile, "No."
I said "Come on. I'll do the work. I'm compliant."
He said "I have no problem thinking you'll get the weight off and that you will work hard. But, at a BMI of 55, your metabolism is shot. You will lose the weight and it will come back on in a couple of years. You are newly diabetic and want to get rid of it--permanently. You need malabsorption. "
To say I was disappointed is an understatement.
I know he would have given me the VSG if I wanted it. In fact, someone in my support group got the VSG the same day I got my DS. Her partner got the DS and has been wildly successful for 4 years now, But the VSGer was afraid of having to take vitamins, etc.--she knows herself and knows she can't swing more than a vitamin or two a day. And yes, she is afraid of regain. But she feels she will be compliant and lucky and be one of the ones for whom this may work long-term. I hope she's right.
Now, a year out, and almost 180 pounds down, I rate this as one of the most important conversations I had in my life. He had everything to "gain" by having me get the shorter, less complicated surgery with less lifetime follow-up for the same dime. I am grateful that I had the wisdom to listen to his advice. I love my DS and the lifestyle it grants me. I wish all docs were honest about the stats.
I work out 2-3 times a week. I am not a HUGE volume eater, but I don't have to worry about eating the fat that I do eat and enjoy. I have NO gas or bowel troubles (unlike pre-op!). My labs are really good. I take just 14 vitamins a day, compared to the 9 I was taking PLUS the diabetes medicine I was about to go on.
I understand why people want a restiction-only surgery to work so badly. "Malabsorption" sounds scary. But it doesn't mean "malnutrition."
When I talked with Dr. Rabkin the day before my DS, I said " I'm afraid of malnutrition. Now that you know me and how much I work out, how healthy I am (all my labs and tests were in front of him and I had met him monthly for 14 months) and how dedicated I am to making these changes in my life, what if I just got the VSG?."
He said with a smile, "No."
I said "Come on. I'll do the work. I'm compliant."
He said "I have no problem thinking you'll get the weight off and that you will work hard. But, at a BMI of 55, your metabolism is shot. You will lose the weight and it will come back on in a couple of years. You are newly diabetic and want to get rid of it--permanently. You need malabsorption. "
To say I was disappointed is an understatement.
I know he would have given me the VSG if I wanted it. In fact, someone in my support group got the VSG the same day I got my DS. Her partner got the DS and has been wildly successful for 4 years now, But the VSGer was afraid of having to take vitamins, etc.--she knows herself and knows she can't swing more than a vitamin or two a day. And yes, she is afraid of regain. But she feels she will be compliant and lucky and be one of the ones for whom this may work long-term. I hope she's right.
Now, a year out, and almost 180 pounds down, I rate this as one of the most important conversations I had in my life. He had everything to "gain" by having me get the shorter, less complicated surgery with less lifetime follow-up for the same dime. I am grateful that I had the wisdom to listen to his advice. I love my DS and the lifestyle it grants me. I wish all docs were honest about the stats.
I work out 2-3 times a week. I am not a HUGE volume eater, but I don't have to worry about eating the fat that I do eat and enjoy. I have NO gas or bowel troubles (unlike pre-op!). My labs are really good. I take just 14 vitamins a day, compared to the 9 I was taking PLUS the diabetes medicine I was about to go on.
I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!
HW: 344 lbs CW: 150 lbs
Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!
NOPE...I KNOW>>>Diana Cox IS a Racist and a Lobbyist. See how she use the tern"Sistas" why couldn't say Back Women. I know white folks don't lke to be called OUT for being Racist because some of you have Superiority Complexes. Diana Cox is a Racist and a do YOU know how she makes her money? And if you did, would You tell the truth.
Let people make up their OWN minds about what WLS they want. As long as you people continue to harrass people because they don't agree with you about DS, I will continue my crusade against the DS - WLS. When you stop, I will stop. Maybe You need to know about the person you are supporting>>>I don't see her Denying that she is a Lobbyist, in fact, she has not even denied she is a racist.
Let people make up their OWN minds about what WLS they want. As long as you people continue to harrass people because they don't agree with you about DS, I will continue my crusade against the DS - WLS. When you stop, I will stop. Maybe You need to know about the person you are supporting>>>I don't see her Denying that she is a Lobbyist, in fact, she has not even denied she is a racist.
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.
For free, for you: a clue, because you need one.
If I am a paid lobbyist, I must be registered somewhere. Show me where. Just because you are too selfish and lazy to help out your fellow humans (see, not racist!) without remuneration, doesn't mean everyone is. What exactly do YOU do for pro bono work, you lazy self-proclaimed unemployed lawyer? You've got plenty of time on your hands.
Yeah, I'm a racist alright -- I hate people who make excuses for their failures in life because The Man kept them down. And you are a prime example.
If I am a paid lobbyist, I must be registered somewhere. Show me where. Just because you are too selfish and lazy to help out your fellow humans (see, not racist!) without remuneration, doesn't mean everyone is. What exactly do YOU do for pro bono work, you lazy self-proclaimed unemployed lawyer? You've got plenty of time on your hands.
Yeah, I'm a racist alright -- I hate people who make excuses for their failures in life because The Man kept them down. And you are a prime example.