Hey, Jennie, I'm doing fine! I'm in my 2nd week of being back to work full-time, and feeling good. My arms are healing nicely, although the first 2-3 weeks post-op felt pretty rough. I started out w/ 4 Jackson-Pratt drains in my armpits. Two of the drains were removed 2 weeks post-op, but I had the others in for another week/week and a half. They didn't really hurt, but were uncomfortable and made showering a pain in the butt. I felt much better after all the drains were removed...
My incisions are pink, but mostly very flat. The areas in my armpits are a bit "rougher" than down my arms and under my breasts, but I think they'll smooth out over time. At the suggestion of my surgeon's nurse, I've been rubbing all my scars w/ cocoa butter lotion w/ Vitamin E. She said keeping the scars moisturized would help, and that rubbing the areas where the scars feel "thick" would help break down that scar tissue over time. It also feels good, so I keep doing it!
I am loving the new perky girls, and am waiting for them to feel good enough to go bra shopping! I definitely do not miss my saggy old girls, and am amazed at what my surgeon was able to accomplish with what I had to work with. It's been an amazing and wonderful transformation...
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers this weekend. You're brave to have your thighs done, and I look forward to hearing about your experience. I will have mine done, hopefully about a year from now, time and money permitting. Are you planning to share before-and-after pictures? I'd love to see your results... Do you have everything ready to go at home? Did you get a lift chair? Toilet seat riser? Did you find out where your drains will be placed? How long do you expect your recovery to take? Stocked up on pain medication? Will you have an OnQ pain pump? (I don't know if they use them for thigh work...)
Take good care of yourself and let us know how you are doing after your surgery...
It was almost 5 months before I wore an underwire bra - my surgeon says that I don't really need one, and that they will stay up on their own. I've become addicted to Victoria Secret and now work to co-ordinate my bras and panties - something I could have never done before. Just not enough choices. I do like the IPEX wireless bra from Victoria Secret, it is comfy, didn't irritate my incisions as a new post op, and offered good support. Now, I like the dream Angels bra or the Bio Fit. Bio Fit gives a bit of a lift to help with the upper fullness that I don't have. Have fun experimenting with shopping. My youngest daughter had mentioned that your boobs just feel different in a pretty bra - and I must admit that it is true!
I have a lift chair, and will have John take some before pictures today, as well as some new post body lift pictures. I didn't get the seat riser cause I have higher toilets. I didn't need the one I bought for the body lift and returned it after not opening the box. I am thinking about ordering the freshette though! I don't know yet about drain placement - I will find that out on Saturday. I have lots of pain meds, (vicodein, percoset, and norco) and requested an On Q. He said that will depend on the amount of lipo done. I will ask again on Saturday. I have a higher pain tolerance, but now fear pain after the 3rd and 4th surgeries I had to resolve my complications.
Also, I have a new laptop, so I will be able to update much easier post surgery. I am in an online class at the local jr. college and will need to continue that post surgery. My final must be taken 10 days after surgery on campus, so I am hopeful that i won't have a problem doing that.
I had my "side boobs" removed when my arm lift and breast lift were done, and that area is still pretty sore. I'm going to wait until it feels a bit better before I go bra shopping. But I have cruised Victoria's Secret several times already, and looked at things I plan to try on when I'm up to it! Fun, fun, fun!
It sounds like you are well prepared for this surgery; experience is a good teacher. I hope you get an OnQ pump - that thing was a gem after my tummy tuck!
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and look forward to an update when you are home!