Sharing Happy Moments.
Has anyone had any Happy Moments lately regarding their weightloss?
Here are mine:
(1) This past week I met two friend from my Flickr group and we ate a Chili's. They wanted a booth and so we sat in a booth. I even sat on the smaller side of the booth and fit fine. This was such a relief, considering 114lbs ago I would have never been able to fit in the booth and how embarrassing that would have been had that happened to me back then. Being able to "roll with the flow" is such a significant change for me.
(2) I move so much better at work. I use to pile stuff up on the end of my desk and wait to the last minute to get up and go across campus or go run an errand or even go to the copy machine. Now, I just pop up and don't even realize what I'm doing. This is so nice.
(3) I haven't been noticing a huge change in my clothes but for some reason over the past week or two everything I put on is too big for me. I wore a pair of blue jean capri's that I bought at The Avenue 3 years ago this weekend and they looked TERRIBLE on me because they were so big. I remember buying them 3 years ago to wear to my niece's birthday party and they were SO tight. Amazing.
(4) Just fitting places is so much better. I know this sounds crazy but it's true. Passing by people without bumping into everything.... sitting in a chair without worrying if it's going to collapse with me... Stuff like that makes this so worth it.
For all the heartache I've been through with my surgery, these 4 things make it so worth it.
When something wows me i go around trying not to scream out to everybody hey geuss what i did and in the process i end of looking like a goofball walking around with a permanent grin on my face.
1.) Went and got pool estimates in and out of the suv and some of those place are huge did this 4 times then went to jungle jims and walked thru twice its big.The thing is i did not sit down or get out of breath.
2.) danced with the boys in the living room didnt fall down or have to set down.
3.Applied to college something i would have never thought about b efore last Feb..I to feel better like i could take on the world.
I enjoy my kids and love being with them instead of sitting and watching.Also i found out i do still have a happy marraige instead of a needy marraige..