Halloween (OH NOES!!!!CANDY!!!)
I live in this village here in VT, and we have at minimum of 100 kids out. We have always gone really large at Halloween, haunting out our yard, and giving really good candy.... This year, I think I'm going for glow necklaces... I'm actually going on Orietal trading right now to get them..... No candy for me... I just CAN'T have it in the house.......
I may be the odd one out here, but I just bought Halloween candy at Costco yesterday - 3 giant bags with all the good stuff.
2 years ago after I had surgery I thought I would die my first Halloween, candy was always my downfall in life, or I guess you could say, my life revolved around it. I got through that Halloween without one tiny little nibble. I was so darn proud of myself! I'm hoping my 3rd Halloween since surgery will go just as well!
Now I have a candy dishe I keep stocked at work, and it doesn't bother me in the least. The Halloween candy? It too has no effect on me, I have zero desire for it.
Thank God is all I can say!
Good luck to all you candy addicts during the up-coming months, but remember if I, the former "Queen of Candy" can stop cold turkey so too can you!
2 years ago after I had surgery I thought I would die my first Halloween, candy was always my downfall in life, or I guess you could say, my life revolved around it. I got through that Halloween without one tiny little nibble. I was so darn proud of myself! I'm hoping my 3rd Halloween since surgery will go just as well!
Now I have a candy dishe I keep stocked at work, and it doesn't bother me in the least. The Halloween candy? It too has no effect on me, I have zero desire for it.
Thank God is all I can say!
Good luck to all you candy addicts during the up-coming months, but remember if I, the former "Queen of Candy" can stop cold turkey so too can you!