Skin fold issues
I really urge you to go to the doctor and get your various issues cleared up. I also second using the mildest, purest soap you can find. I use Kama Sutra Clove Oil soap. It is sold as a couples soap, but it is all natural, very mild and mildly scented. You can even brush your teeth with it. But don't. LOL I always go back to it becasue everything else gives me the itchies. You can find it on Ebay, online or at adult stores.
If you decide to skip tights at least with pants this year, you can find pretty plus size trouser socks at Catherine's and probably Sears and Lane Bryants.
Good luck, Loris
If you decide to skip tights at least with pants this year, you can find pretty plus size trouser socks at Catherine's and probably Sears and Lane Bryants.
Good luck, Loris
Loris 344/119@ 5'2" Below Goal
Lower body lift 10/17/2007
Upper body lift 1/23/2008
If you want to avoid tights and save some money go to wal mart and get the little kids tights 3 pack (about 4 bucks) and cut the legs off for knee highs! Use the whole leg. I wear them. They stay up just fine. I get size 12-14 (kids size) I am 340 now but I wore them when I was as heavy as 480 so they'd fit most anybody :)
They wash nice too and last a long time. Those trouser socks at Catherines are pricey! I wear skirts and knee highs every day so I go through them.
Been in your shoes and its gotten alot better.
ive tried everything even jock itch spray..ouch
My mom was going thru chemo and they gave her nystatin creme and it was messy but awesome i told my doc and she gace me the nystatin powder and im in works no mess no smell its perscription.i sent you a p.m.
Been in your shoes and its gotten alot better.
ive tried everything even jock itch spray..ouch
My mom was going thru chemo and they gave her nystatin creme and it was messy but awesome i told my doc and she gace me the nystatin powder and im in works no mess no smell its perscription.i sent you a p.m.
Okay so I am overwhelmed here with all the info here. Even though I am pre op I have some places that get gross so I would love to get some things to get better. I have been using stick deoderant under my breasts and it does seem to work but when I get really hot I can get a slimy deoderant type gross thing going on. My major problem area that I don't think any of you talked about and I am embarrassed to say it is my inner thigh area like wear the crotch (I hope I can say that word) of my underwear goes. I get super sweaty there and I actually haven't tried anything but try and change my underwear very frequently when I am very sweaty and wear panty liners all the time. So with that gross TMI are there any gals that have address that area. And what is the line between needing the anti fungal cream or something just regular.
Okay I hope I didn't sound stupid. lol
Okay I hope I didn't sound stupid. lol
Yes, I have the groin-al gummies too from time to time. That's where I've had most of the boils too.
I also wear panty liners, but mainly for stress incontinence. I've found that some of the cheaper store brands irritate me, especially if they have exposed stiff plasticy parts. Plus the thicker plastic makes me sweat more in that area. I've found that the Poise pads are much better thay way.
Just this week I had one of the red slimy things in that area and I used the foot anti-fungal. It was better yesterday and last night I tried the monistat. It is great this morning.
Do you wear underwear with exposed elastic at the legs? It has helped me immensely to get JMS panties that have the leg elastic covered.
I also wear panty liners, but mainly for stress incontinence. I've found that some of the cheaper store brands irritate me, especially if they have exposed stiff plasticy parts. Plus the thicker plastic makes me sweat more in that area. I've found that the Poise pads are much better thay way.
Just this week I had one of the red slimy things in that area and I used the foot anti-fungal. It was better yesterday and last night I tried the monistat. It is great this morning.
Do you wear underwear with exposed elastic at the legs? It has helped me immensely to get JMS panties that have the leg elastic covered.
Wow, so many responses! I'm tempted to put this in a Weight Loss Issues FAQ!
I stopped at Walgreen's on my way to the pool yesterday to scope out what all they had. Interestingly, the Athletes foot anti-fungals were directly across the aisle from the feminie itch products. I noticed that so many had "statin" in the names, so that appears to be a key ingredient. I bought a few new things to try - Head & Shoulders and Monistat.
I also thought alot about this when swimming - one of the times I use to mull over ideas. A few gym related ideas occurred to me there as well. Here's what I decided.
1. Probably MOST important - Get myself to my PCP. My old PCP left the area, and I was assigned a new doc in the same clinic, but I haven't seem him yet other than a follow-up after a short cellulitis bout. I'm a few months over due for my regular 6 months check in, so I'm calling Monday to schedule that.
2. Skip the hot tub. I love it, but until I get these issues cleared up, I think it is a bad idea.
3. Use a gentler body soap/wash. I had some Aveno dry skin body wash in my gym locker that I hadn't used for a while, so I used it last night. It felt really good. I'm going to try Jenn's H&S treatment, and Loris's clove soap sounds lovely.
4. Use a clean fresh towel after each shower - at the gym and at home. I noticed my beach towel was a tad funky - I had been in the habit of just hanging my bathing suit and towel up to dry and then reusing it. I don't use the health club towels, as they are teensy - maybe they wrap around size 2's but sure don't do much for me.
5. Do a better job of body drying and treatments at the gym. While I'm not very modest, I do sometimes dress faster than I should, not making sure I am totally dry in all the stubborn places.
6. Start back on Garlique & vitamin C for my immune system.
Again, thank you so much everyone. So many good suggestions.
And it was very cool to hear from people I hadn't seen posting before. I'm glad you came out of lurkdom. Please continue to post - this is a fabulous board.
I stopped at Walgreen's on my way to the pool yesterday to scope out what all they had. Interestingly, the Athletes foot anti-fungals were directly across the aisle from the feminie itch products. I noticed that so many had "statin" in the names, so that appears to be a key ingredient. I bought a few new things to try - Head & Shoulders and Monistat.
I also thought alot about this when swimming - one of the times I use to mull over ideas. A few gym related ideas occurred to me there as well. Here's what I decided.
1. Probably MOST important - Get myself to my PCP. My old PCP left the area, and I was assigned a new doc in the same clinic, but I haven't seem him yet other than a follow-up after a short cellulitis bout. I'm a few months over due for my regular 6 months check in, so I'm calling Monday to schedule that.
2. Skip the hot tub. I love it, but until I get these issues cleared up, I think it is a bad idea.
3. Use a gentler body soap/wash. I had some Aveno dry skin body wash in my gym locker that I hadn't used for a while, so I used it last night. It felt really good. I'm going to try Jenn's H&S treatment, and Loris's clove soap sounds lovely.
4. Use a clean fresh towel after each shower - at the gym and at home. I noticed my beach towel was a tad funky - I had been in the habit of just hanging my bathing suit and towel up to dry and then reusing it. I don't use the health club towels, as they are teensy - maybe they wrap around size 2's but sure don't do much for me.
5. Do a better job of body drying and treatments at the gym. While I'm not very modest, I do sometimes dress faster than I should, not making sure I am totally dry in all the stubborn places.
6. Start back on Garlique & vitamin C for my immune system.
Again, thank you so much everyone. So many good suggestions.
And it was very cool to hear from people I hadn't seen posting before. I'm glad you came out of lurkdom. Please continue to post - this is a fabulous board.