How long did it take till you noticed...

Ellen H.
on 9/26/08 12:31 am - Metro Detroit, MI
Okay I have another new question.  With all of us being so overweight I feel like I have to lose tons of weight before I notice.  I want to know in your honest opinion how many pounds did it take for you to a) feel the weight loss and b) see the weight loss?  Then c) how long was it till get to each point?

As always I appreciate all of you so much!  You all have no idea how much I have learned from each of you from your posts and your profiles.  Thank you all so much for continuing to share and help others!  

Okay group hug!!!!   Thanks Ellen
kathy S.
on 9/26/08 1:31 am - Pensacola, FL
Ok, so you are almost exactly 1 year behind me in your surgery.  I was 371 for surgery.  I was off my diabetes meds as of two days prior to surgery and never went back. They did need to give me a few insulin shots while I was in the hospital because it was a little high (like 180 - 200) but I never went back on it.  I was also a non-compliant patient with my BP meds. I didn't take them after surgery even though they told me to.  I wanted to see if not taking them had any affect on me.  I was checking my bp on the store machines every few days and things were normal.  when I went for my 3 month, I confessed that I hadn't been taking them and it was no big deal. I was officially off of them anyway.

I wasn't one of those that suffered from low energy issues following surgery.  So I would say, after 3 weeks, I was off and running. I started my official exercise program at the YMCA 3 weeks post op which was just walking the treadmill.  But that was an amazing transformation for me energy wise.  For the most part, I have felt amazing since about that time. 

As far as seeing the weight loss, the first place that I received comments was in my face.  And I would say that for about 2 months I was in my same clothes from pre-op.  Then I had to make the move to smaller shirts first.  I dropped to a 22-24 and was so excited towards the end of January.  I didn't change my pants size until mid-Feb and I was down to a 24 but they were tight.  I vowed I wasn't going to buy stretchy pants ever again. 

The clothes size change for me is the best thing.  When the scale isn't moving, I'm dropping sizes.  I just got new workout clothes and wore them today and got more than a few comments.  I've been wearing the same workout pants since January and they were truly too big.

If you look at my profile, I've got pics of my progress for almost every monthly update.  Front, side and rear views.  You can see how my bottom is still much bigger than my upper body, but I am pleased with my progress to date and exercise has been the best thing to help tone and shape my body.
on 9/26/08 2:18 am - LA

My journey is a different from Kathy's so here is a different perspective.

On the day of surgery (5/13/08) I weighed 410 lbs.  After surgery I had rapid weight loss but could not enjoy it because I felt awful.  I had ZERO energy!  At about 50 lbs lost people started commenting that they could tell I was losing weight, but still I didn't feel it.  At about 75 lbs lost I started being able to move my body in ways I was not able to do before surgery, ie: lay on my back and bend my knees and my legs not slide back down.  At about 100 lbs lost I started to recognize I had more stamina and that I walked faster....not fast....just faster!  I am now at 128 lbs lost and I really feel it.  I can bend down and touch my toes.  I can tie my shoes from a sitting position.  I can fit into most seat belts in vehicles.  And mostly, I do these activities without even thinking about them which is neat that my brain knows my capabilities before my conscience does. 

Even with the awful first three months I had, I have never regretted this surgery.  I was able to keep my mind on the big picture and little by little that big picture is drawing itself!

on 9/26/08 2:23 am - Glendora, CA
It took me at least 75-100 pounds until I started seeing anything. It took others around me that long to see it too.

After that it seemed every month I was fitting into a smaller size. The first year the way my sizes and weight dropped was just amazing!
I know I can, I know I can
on 9/26/08 4:27 am - Toledo, OH

My husband and family could tell by like 40-50 pounds, especially in my face and shoulders.  I still have trouble see the wt loss, down 100 pounds now.  I have to look at my pics to see it.  I take pics monthly, it really helps to show my progress!!!  I would definetly recommend doing that!!

Good luck on your journey



on 9/26/08 5:53 am - Where the four winds blow me safely home, NY

I sew my own skirts (elastic waist) so I have not gone down at all skirts wise in 140 pounds.  depressing, but lately I noticed that my 5x night gowns were WAY too loose (falling off the shoulder loose) and that my tops are bigger too!  I free cycled the too  big stuff and pulled out a box of formerly too small 3x's.  I really noticed in bra size too.  56 DDD  down to 50 DD!  I can get them at Catherines now  :) 

I have lost 140 lbs but I feel like I look the same.  Other people see differences that I don't.  I do know I fit behind the steering wheel of my car without touching it now and that I can sit in chairs with arms!  Yay!  We are getting there.  I think it is just a psychological block we have...always seeing ourselves at huge   :)

Start: 487 lbs (8/07) Lost 81 lbs pre op on South Beach. 406 lbs at surgery (6/08). 179 post op, by 2011. I  lost 308 lbs. Gained 98 while pregnant (2012-13) lost all but 25. My goal is to be 179 again!
   siggy1 photo b83557eb-1c5e-4e0a-90b7-89760c2e36e2.jpg   Two years after that.... photo 44fcb3ac-18c4-4dfd-bf38-d324f956cf75.jpg      photo c2781653-fea8-4141-8cac-f0889127d077.jpg  I could not be happier. 

on 9/27/08 1:47 pm
Ellen H.
on 9/28/08 4:14 am - Metro Detroit, MI
Carol I just took a look at your profile pics and you look so fantastic.  You must be so overjoyed with yourself.  You look like you lost a ton of years too.  You look so much younger now.  I am very happy for you and I hope that I can be as successful in my weight loss. 
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