7 months later
Ive lost 157 pounds and alot of inches.
I wish i would have taken measurements..
I posted afew new pics from last month and will you let me know what byou think?
I am feeling so much better and enjoying life so much more ,i even fit into a chair with arms at the drs office yesterday..wow
My clothes are literally falling off me....
We went to wally world and i bent over to get something and this little boy was pointing at me saying something (he was about 2) and im thinking crap he is making fun of me but when i went to walk by his moms face was really red and he kept saying hungry,hungry(im thinking hungry hungry hippo..lol
I ask his mom are you ok and she said im so sorry and im like ok and she said you were bent over and your breast where showing(oops)and he is being weaned from the breast and he seen yours and was hungry...(omg) time to put my shirt away..my boys almost wet themselves laughing when they told my hubby he told me to quit teasing the little boys.
I wonna thank you all for being my friends and inspiration.
My down side is im putting myself on the back burner again and i gotta do better with that..
To the newbies this is the best thing ihave ever done for myself and i wish you alot of luck on your exciting new journey
Congrats on being down 157 pounds at 7 months out; that's fabulous! Keep up the great work, and girlfriend, go buy at least a couple smaller shirts! I put off buying new stuff for as long as possible, but it felt great when I finally bought smaller clothes that actually fit! That also helped me start to see myself differently, since I was no longer draping myself in baggy, saggy clothes.
Remember that's it's important to keep yourself on the front burner some of the time. It's easy to let others take a front-seat, since that's what many of us have done for most of our lives. It takes some retraining yourself to realize that it's okay to take care of yourself, that spending time taking care of YOU is time well spent, that by taking care of yourself first, you'll make sure you have the time, energy and wherewithwal to continue to care for others as well.
Congrats again on the 157 pounds loss - woohoo!!!!