lost 100 pounds and have 100 more to go-when do you see about getting fat removed
I know it is still to early and only had surgery in April, but the rolls of fat is so pain full it gets red and I have to call the doctor to get a cream to take care of it. I shower every day and the smell under the fat is horrible especially under the belly. I am so happy I had this done, just wonder if anyone had any ideas or when they will take the fat excess fat off. Tired of dealing with it and it gets worse. Thanks
The ideal time to get excess skin removed is when your weight has been stable for 6 months. Sometime it has to be removed sooner if it interferes with function or causes pain or skin issues. Make sure your doctor is documenting your skin issues and that you get pictures. Keep records of your precriptions. You want to prove medical necessity to your isurance company. I wish you well. Loris
Loris 344/119@ 5'2" Below Goal
Lower body lift 10/17/2007
Upper body lift 1/23/2008