As of today I've lost 140 lbs! It's been an amazing journey and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
I'm coming to another bend in the road - this Wednesday I'm having my right knee totally replaced. I'm a bit nervous, but in a different way than with WLS. I'm fairly certain that while WLS was pretty much a breeze physically (for me), it was very difficult for me mentally and emotionally, I think knee surgery will be harder physically but not much as way of mentally and emotionally. We're talking about grab bars in the bathroom, a walker, physical therapy and other equipment I'll need. I'm ready to go and get this done!
This weekend my family and I went to Denver and went to WaterWorld. We had never been there before mainly because I would have never been able to get from the car to the main gate, let alone do anything. So off we go. Hmmm...why did I think that just because Colorado Springs has been off the charts with heat for 9000 days straight that Denver would be nice and cool?? (Cause I'm an idiot?!?! LOL) No, Denver's high the day we're a****erWorld was 103! Actually there was quite a bit of cloud cover so it didn't always feel like seering heat buring off your top layer of skin.
We had a great time a****erWorld and figured out some things waaay too late. Like if you bring your own water, it needs to be factor sealed. Doesn't make any difference in the long run because if you didn't bring a cool, like us, your water is boiling hot anyway. Then you'll want to charge some money onto your wrist band, we didn't, so you can wander around the park and buy water along the way - instead of having an argument with your husband who left his wallet with all the money in the locker. Oh and don't believe the pimply-faced 12 year old at the gate who checks your bag for the factory sealed items when he says that there are drinking fountains ALL OVER the park - we found ONE!
So while I tried to drink my ho****er from the one water fountain, I could feel myself getting dehydrated. So when we got back up to the locker area so we had some $ we got bottled water and lunch. Another lesson: WaterWorld food SUCKS! We decided to do Mexican - not sure what part of Mexico they use their recipes from but it wasn't like anything I've had before, including Taco Bell and Taco John's! Yep, I broke the rule - I was drinking and eating at the same time. I was so parched from the day I had to get up three times during the night to get more water - I drank nearly 32 oz just during the night alone. However my urine is back to an acceptable color so I think I'm in the clear.
For dinner that night we went to a soup/salad bar restaurant and I loaded up on cottage cheese and chili. I also had a few bites of macaroni and cheese. Anything packed with protein. The next morning we ate the hotel and I had my usual yogurt, a banana and then splurged on 2 sausage patties. I later found out that the sausage was 160 calories each! (See idiot comment above!)
In spite of myself I did manage to lose 2.5 lbs this week. I am also off of all pain medication for my knee and I now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I'm ready for this surgery. Between WaterWorld and doing some shopping at an outlet mall my knees are barking and whining like crazy right now. I'm ready to gladly hop up on that table and get this done.
I'm off all this week. So Emily and I are off to go look for the KidzBop 14 CD; the tooth fairy came last night and she has 1/2 the money to buy it. We're going to go get pedicures done - must have pretty toes to have your leg sawed in half! Then a trip to the library and a pit stop at work. I'm hoping tomorrow we can just stay home and chill out. I wish!!!
I'll be back in touch just as soon as possible. I think I'll have the laptop with me at the hospital starting on Thursday so I'll check in if I can. You all be good and keep up the good fight.
Love, Jana
I'm coming to another bend in the road - this Wednesday I'm having my right knee totally replaced. I'm a bit nervous, but in a different way than with WLS. I'm fairly certain that while WLS was pretty much a breeze physically (for me), it was very difficult for me mentally and emotionally, I think knee surgery will be harder physically but not much as way of mentally and emotionally. We're talking about grab bars in the bathroom, a walker, physical therapy and other equipment I'll need. I'm ready to go and get this done!
This weekend my family and I went to Denver and went to WaterWorld. We had never been there before mainly because I would have never been able to get from the car to the main gate, let alone do anything. So off we go. Hmmm...why did I think that just because Colorado Springs has been off the charts with heat for 9000 days straight that Denver would be nice and cool?? (Cause I'm an idiot?!?! LOL) No, Denver's high the day we're a****erWorld was 103! Actually there was quite a bit of cloud cover so it didn't always feel like seering heat buring off your top layer of skin.
We had a great time a****erWorld and figured out some things waaay too late. Like if you bring your own water, it needs to be factor sealed. Doesn't make any difference in the long run because if you didn't bring a cool, like us, your water is boiling hot anyway. Then you'll want to charge some money onto your wrist band, we didn't, so you can wander around the park and buy water along the way - instead of having an argument with your husband who left his wallet with all the money in the locker. Oh and don't believe the pimply-faced 12 year old at the gate who checks your bag for the factory sealed items when he says that there are drinking fountains ALL OVER the park - we found ONE!
So while I tried to drink my ho****er from the one water fountain, I could feel myself getting dehydrated. So when we got back up to the locker area so we had some $ we got bottled water and lunch. Another lesson: WaterWorld food SUCKS! We decided to do Mexican - not sure what part of Mexico they use their recipes from but it wasn't like anything I've had before, including Taco Bell and Taco John's! Yep, I broke the rule - I was drinking and eating at the same time. I was so parched from the day I had to get up three times during the night to get more water - I drank nearly 32 oz just during the night alone. However my urine is back to an acceptable color so I think I'm in the clear.
For dinner that night we went to a soup/salad bar restaurant and I loaded up on cottage cheese and chili. I also had a few bites of macaroni and cheese. Anything packed with protein. The next morning we ate the hotel and I had my usual yogurt, a banana and then splurged on 2 sausage patties. I later found out that the sausage was 160 calories each! (See idiot comment above!)
In spite of myself I did manage to lose 2.5 lbs this week. I am also off of all pain medication for my knee and I now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I'm ready for this surgery. Between WaterWorld and doing some shopping at an outlet mall my knees are barking and whining like crazy right now. I'm ready to gladly hop up on that table and get this done.
I'm off all this week. So Emily and I are off to go look for the KidzBop 14 CD; the tooth fairy came last night and she has 1/2 the money to buy it. We're going to go get pedicures done - must have pretty toes to have your leg sawed in half! Then a trip to the library and a pit stop at work. I'm hoping tomorrow we can just stay home and chill out. I wish!!!
I'll be back in touch just as soon as possible. I think I'll have the laptop with me at the hospital starting on Thursday so I'll check in if I can. You all be good and keep up the good fight.
Love, Jana
I wish you the best with your surgery on Wednesday. It will be hard, but you'll be so much happier for it in the end. Just try to keep that in mind.
I can't believe you went to WaterWorld in that heat! Ick! It sounds like you kept good spirits about it though. It's so difficult to eat/drink right when you're away from home. It sounds like you tried to make the best food choices for the situations that you were in - and that's all anyone does. Vacations are not meant to be for "perfect eating". Even the sausage doesn't sound *that* bad (although 2 patties with yogurt and a banana probably added up to more calories than you would have liked to have seen). So, next time you'll stick with 1 patty or decide it's not worth the calories.
I can't wait to hear how your surgery went.
I wish you the best with your surgery on Wednesday. It will be hard, but you'll be so much happier for it in the end. Just try to keep that in mind.
I can't believe you went to WaterWorld in that heat! Ick! It sounds like you kept good spirits about it though. It's so difficult to eat/drink right when you're away from home. It sounds like you tried to make the best food choices for the situations that you were in - and that's all anyone does. Vacations are not meant to be for "perfect eating". Even the sausage doesn't sound *that* bad (although 2 patties with yogurt and a banana probably added up to more calories than you would have liked to have seen). So, next time you'll stick with 1 patty or decide it's not worth the calories.
I can't wait to hear how your surgery went.
I haven't been to Water World yet, mainly because I don't have children to go with and I'd feel a bit peculiar showing up by myself! I thought about it several times during this darn heat wave, but then I figured everyone in Colorado would be there. If you came up from the Springs, then that proves my theory right!
The heat wave broke today, yay!
Good luck with your knee replacement, and think about how wonderful it will be to use your new knees!
The heat wave broke today, yay!
Good luck with your knee replacement, and think about how wonderful it will be to use your new knees!
How about the tri-state area?? I saw license plates from Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas. I think next time we'll try to go during a weekday to avoid some of the crowds....and you can come with us! We'd be more than happy for you to borrow our kid....take her, please! LOL
Thank you for the good wishes on the knee - getting a bit nervous, but that's normal. I'm going to ask the doctor if he can make me taller - kind of like lifts in your shoes; just a few inches. Sure I'd be lopsided until I get the other knee done, but you gotta do what you gotta do!! LOL
Thank you for the good wishes on the knee - getting a bit nervous, but that's normal. I'm going to ask the doctor if he can make me taller - kind of like lifts in your shoes; just a few inches. Sure I'd be lopsided until I get the other knee done, but you gotta do what you gotta do!! LOL