help! need suggestions to get all my water in
Lots of times ice cold water can upset the pouch, so drink it at room temp or drink warm herb tea instead until you're pouch adjusts....
1) never go anywhere without your water bottle... mine even goes to the bathroom with me.....
2) when you think you're hungry, drink some water, lots of time it's thirst you're feeling instead
3) if you work, set a goal, it takes me 30 mins to drive to and from work, I have to finish a 25 oz bottle of water before I can get out of the car EVERY TIME
After a few weeks you'll discover that your water bottle has become an extension of your arm and you don't feel right if you don't have it with you... LOL
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
I use Karen's suggestion of using your commute to drink water. She's a bit farther post-op so it sounds like she can down more water in a shorter period of time. I have a 45min-1hr communite and I drink a 16.9oz. bottle during the commute to work and another on the commute from work.
I have found, that I have to schedule *everything* this early post-op in order to get it all in and take all of the corresponding "rest" periods between food and water. So, I drink my first bottle of water on the commute to work. I'm usually done with a about 15 minutes to spare so I get to work say my hellos and then I eat my breakfast. After breakfast I wait for my 45 minutes and then I drink another bottle of water and make sure that I'm done before lunch. Eat lunch, wait, then another bottle of water before I leave. A fourth bottle of water on my way home. Dinner at home, wait, and then some more water in the evening.
Like another poster said, you need some sort of reminder to drink. If I am at home or a meeting I simply hold my water bottle in my hand - I take advantage of that Freudian "oral fixation" that made me so heavy in the first place (anything in my hand eventually seems to find its way to my mouth). At work I do not cap the water and I set it so close to me on my desk that I constantly have to move it to get it out of my way.
Hope the suggestions help! I will admit, it is a difficult routine to get into (at least its just now starting to click for me at 2 months).
congrats on having your surgery!
as far as the water intake goes, i could never get it done with plain water. i've become a propel addict. the flavored water goes down so much easier for me. and like the others, i keep it with me all the time. i actually find that i take in a lot of water at night -- keeping a bottle (or 2) beside my bed and drinking every time i wake up. and i too, drink all my water at room temperature -- just goes down easier for me than cold.
all the best to you!
I like the idea about having water available on the ride to work and drinking it during the commute.
I am so glad that ya'll are out there for me. I need all the support I can get.