My first small wow
I know this may be boring to some or not a big accomplishment compared to their weight loss but.... I had my surgery 8 1/2 weeks ago. My weight loss started out great. I lost 28 pounds in 2 weeks. Then I had two strictures and nothing but problems for several weeks. My weight loss slowed down and then stopped completely for 2 weeks. Well, I weighed myself this morning and I have officially lost my first 50 pounds since the day of surgery. I have really lost 62 total since my first pre-op appointment but I am counting from surgery date. I lost 7 pounds this week. So I am really happy about that and my weight loss is finally back on track.
That is fantastic! 50 pounds in 8.5 weeks! That's almost 6 pounds per week. I know that we're not supposed to compare ourselves - but that's more than double what I'm losing on average per week and I'm completely happy with my loss. You must be so excited. Keep up the great work and you'll continue to add to your WOW moments.